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Recipes with Carrots

Mains Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Carrots and pears are cut into smaller pieces and boiled approx. 10 min in broth. Mix in a food processor or mix and heat again. The corn starch is chopped into sour cream and stirred in. The sauce is boiled and seasoned with mustard, salt and pepper. Serve

Mains A little sugar Small Tin of concentrated tomato Thyme sprigs ...

The batter is melted in a large thickened pot. When it sips, you will bring the chopped onion, then add the chopped chopped cutlets. Leave it brown. Add whole garlic, carrots and celery cut into the tern. Heel a half beer in. Sprinkle well with Edelsüss paprik

Mains Fresh, chopped flat-leaf parsley Freshly ground pepper Løgsauce ...

Wipe the meat and sprinkle it with pepper. Let the butter become golden in a pan and brown chops with high heat approx. 1 min. on every side. Then step the chops with steady heat for 8-10 minutes - turn them occasionally. Sprinkle with salt. onion sauce: M

Mains Eggs Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Turn the chops into eggs and then into salt and pepper mixed rasp. Melt the butter golden and brown quickly the cutlets on both sides. Shrink the heat and let the chops finish on low heat for 3-5 minutes. Peel carrots, parsley, parsnip and celery and slice

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The onions are peeled and chopped. The carrots are peeled and cut into slices. The sheet celery is rinsed and cut into small pieces. The chops are seasoned with salt and pepper, browned on both sides of the fat in a deep forehead and taken up. Onions, carr

Mains Pepper Salt Black currant, red currant or lingonberry ...

Peel the carrots and cut into smaller pieces. Arrow slipped and cut into thin boats. Let the strawberry juice, water and soy boil together with celery, onion, broth, crushed garlic, crushed juniper, salt and pepper. Put the chops in and let them boil for

Mains Wheat flour A little wheat flour Salt ...

The schnitzels are easily knocked and turned into egg whites, then in flour and nuts. Stir in butter on the forehead. The sauce: The loaf is chopped well and sautéed easily in butter. The porridge is cut into the rings and added. Sprinkle with flour and ba

Sides Carrots Hvidkåls head/red cabbage head Beetroot ...

You take a cabbage head / reddish head, some carrots and many beetroot. They should be blended so all the juice comes free. Put it in a large pot or jar and cover it with the outer leaves of the cabbage. Place a plate on top and something that weighs well. Cov