Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Fresh Sage Nutmeg Pepper ...

Order the meat at the butcher. Cut the meat into 8 large lumps, approx. 6 x 6 x 6 cm. Please ask the butcher to cut the meat out. Dip the meat dry with kitchen roll. Bring it in butter on a pan. Cut onions, carrots, parsley seeds and the white from the pork

Mains Marinade Sauce thickens For frying ...

Place the meat in a bowl that holds approx. 3 liters. Clean all the vegetables for marinade, cut into smaller pieces and put them at the meat. Add spice bouquet and pepper grains and pour red wine at. Put plastic film over the bowl and place it in a refrigerat

Mains A little rice wine or dry sherry Green bell pepper Onion ...

Both vegetables and hamburgers are cut into fine strips. The meat is turned into Maizena and golden in oil. The meat is taken and kept hot. Then vegetables are also roasted in hot oil, quite short, they must be crispy. Vinegar, rice wine and sugar are stirred

Mains Salt Broth Dry red wine ...

Cut the lamb in small cubes. Mix the marinade of red wine, vinegar and water. Make celery angel and carrot stand and cut both of them very small. The rosemary needles are crushed, the sage and basil leaves are rinsed and chopped well. All the finely chopped

Mains Eggs Spring onions Chicken broth ...

Mix the rasp, carry and salt on a plate. Whip the egg together on another plate. Dup schnitzlerne dry with kitchen roll. First turn the schnitzler into the egg and then into the rasp. Brown the Schnitzler in butter and oil on both sides. Then step for even war

Mains Pepper Salt Dried thyme ...

If they use a rose sauce, both the lid and the lid should be placed in cold water for at least one quarter before use. Cut the meat into fairly large cubes and flask into strips. Mix well with pepper and thyme and leave it open until all the vegetables are

Mains Cayenne pepper Salt Black pepper ...

The meat is cut for approx. 3 cm. Big cubes. Onion and garlic sliced ​​and chopped well. The oil is heated in a large saucepan, and the cloves, onion and garlic flour well for approx. 5 minutes with stirring. Add so much water that everything is well and well

Mains Pepper Salt Broth ...

Cut the meat for approx. 3 cm. Big cubes Arrow the bulbs and chop them roughly. Heat the oil in a saucepan and brown the cuts well. Bring the chopped onion and let them turn golden. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Squeeze garlic cloves into the pan, stir wel