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Recipes with Carrots

Mains EVS. Chili Yellow, red and green bell pepper-1 of each Pepper ...

The ingredients for marinade are whipped together. The meat is lightly tapped with a fork and stands in the marinade for at least an hour. Pour 2 tbsp. Of marinade on a hot forehead, brown meat until pores are closed. The meat is taken up. Turn the finel

Mains Pepper (freshly ground) Salt Bay leaf ...

Rip the sword with 1 ½ cm of space with a sharp knife. Chop the seed seeds, peel the white and chop it nicely. Stir both with oil and peppers. Rub thoroughly with the mixture, pack it in silver paper and leave it cool overnight. Turn on the oven to 200 g

Mains Freshly ground pepper (ca. 1/4 full TSP.) Salt Dried Basil ...

Mix chopped garlic, herbs, salt and pepper. Cut more, approx. 2 cm deep cut with a sharp knife on the meat side of the meat and add half of the spice mixture. Make sure the tail is scratched all the way down to the meat. Lay the ladder with the sword down in a

Mains Carrots Cook bacon Onion ...

The cabbage is cut into eightths. Onions, carrots and potatoes are peeled. Vegetables, beef and bacon are served in a saucepan. Peppercorns, cloves, salt and white wine are added. Cook under low 2-2½ hours until the meat is very tender. The sausages are halved

Mains Minced parsley Butter Bouillon cube ...

The onions are peeled, chopped and swirled in the pan without taking color. The meat is cut into the tern. And brune before mixing in the onions. The carrots are cut into rods and added with the chopped garlic. Cook the forehead with a little beer and pu

Mains Shoulder of pork into cubes All the comments Hvidkåls main ...

Shake the cuts in a frying pan in the oil. Divide the cabbage into blocks and remove the stick and cut the cabbage into large cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces. Scrape carrots and cut them into spell. Stir the tomato paste and bowl in the

Appetizers And other spices Pepper Tamari ...

1 kg carrots and 1-2 cm ginger juices. The juice is blended with 1-2 avocados, 1-3 cloves of garlic, the juice from 1 / 2-1 lime fruit (ripe if the color is over in the yellowish) and 1/2 cm fresh red chili without kernels. Season with pepper, tamari, an

Soups Jævning of 2-3 tablespoons flour and 1 dl water Water Celery ...

Pour the green cabbage up. Bring pork and leg in a saucepan and add so much water that it covers. Bring it to the boil and remove all the foam. Add salt and let the meat boil approx. 1 hour under cover until it is almost tender. Peel potatoes, celery and carro