Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Boiling water

Salads Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Freshly squeezed lemon juice ...

Com grynene couscous in a large bowl. Pour the boiling water with salt and let it soak for approx. 5 min. stir in grynene with a fork. Let grynene cool off. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and let them soak about 5 min. drain and let the tomatoes drip

Mains Coarse salt Port wine (ruby) Ducks at 1 ½-2 ½ kg (like berberiænder) ...

Duck and sauce: Halve the ducks lengthwise, rub them with salt, and put them with the cut surfaces down in ovnbradepanden. Roast them at 200 degrees C for 1 hour, and pour regularly rendered fat from roasting pan. Reduce heat to 175 degrees C, brush the

Cakes in form Carnations Boiling water Milk ...

The margarine stir soft. Powder sugar sprinkled in. Whole eggs added one at a time. Wheat flour, baking soda, spices and powdered sugar sifted together and mix in the batter alternately with the milk. The dough is filled into a butter greased springform app

Sauces Madkulør Balsamoco vinegar (red) Wheat flour ...

Bouillon is dissolved in boiling water, allowed to stand and cool off. Margarine is melted, and bake up with the flour broth add a little at a time, 1 small teaspoon sugar and about 1 tablespoon. Red balsamic vinegar and a little madkulør added. Be cooked thro

Bread, buns & biscuits Syrup Boiling water Cracked wheat kernels ...

The cracked wheat kernels over poured with the boiling water and allow to stand overnight (preferably at least 10 hours). The lukewarm water add the soaking down wheat grains and yeast in friable. Butter (cut into small slices) and the other ingredients are

Bread, buns & biscuits Broth (water with beef cube) Wheat flour Boiling water ...

Everything is stirred together and kneaded. Rolled or shaped as we want the goodies to take it out. Bake on a greased baking sheet for about 1 hour at 180 grade. Turn off the oven and let the rusks fit itself 1 hour.

Soups Citric acid Bay leaves Sugar ...

Wash them thoroughly, and grate them coarsely in a Slaw iron. Wash the vegetables, chop them into small pieces, and put them in a pan. Pour the water over the vegetables, and let the soup Cook in 15 minutes time. Put the grated beets to the Pan, and let the so

Mains Chinese soy Boiling water Wheat flour ...

Came the flour in a bowl. Make a recess in the middle and pour the boiling water in it together into a dough Knead.. Cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest 15 minutes. Roll the dough out on a floured board. It must be approx. 1/2 cm. thick. The stick-ou