Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Boiling water

Drinks (cold) Sugar Boiling water Organic lemons ...

The Green stems on the flowers being cut away, the flowers be shaken easily for getting rid of the little creatures, they do not rinse. Wash the lemons and skives thin. Elder blossoms, lemons and sugar added in a large plastic bucket, porcelain or stainless st

Drinks (cold) Vanilla pod in approx. 4 cm long pieces Lemons cut into slices Rhubarb cut into small pieces ...

Rhubarb, lemons, vanilla and Ta wells with the boiling water, cover and stand in 2 days. Then the whole shebang is filtered through a tea towel. For each liter of sieved juice used 1 kg sugar. The juice is stirred until all sugar is dissolved-can take a

Salads Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt Touch of Saffron ...

Cut the shell of the oranges with a knife, and cut the meat into uniform cubes. Getting them up in a large bowl, along with the rest of the ingredients. The Saffron dressing: Pour boiling water over saffron. Let it soak 5 minutes. Toast cumin, coriander and

Mains Cucumbers Mixed spices Capers ...

Cut the meat into fairly large pieces and put them into the pan with the sliced onions. There are seasoned well with salt and pepper and Spice mixture, and the boiling water and pour over kødkraften. Let it all simmer for about 2 hours. Served with pickled wal

Mains Salt Lemon juice thereof Brown sugar ...

Use mortar or blender to make a paste of Chili's (remote frøstol and seeds!). The chopped onions, garlic, ginger, oil and possibly. shrimp pasta. Fry the pasta in three or four minutes while stirring in the wok or on the forehead. Add the meat and stir i

Mains Oil Honey Boiling water ...

Put lamb breast in a bowl. Mix the honey, water and soy sauce. Pressure individual cloves of garlic. Pour the marinade over the meat and style dish covered in refrigerator overnight. Brush with oil and cook it on the grill about 15 minutes on each side. Give g

Salads A little salt A little sugar Lemon juice thereof ...

Free the white cabbage for outer, coarse leaves and walking stick, rinse it and cut it into thin strips. The spinach peeled and rinsed. Bean sprouts washed and made draining. Blanch cabbage, spinach and bean sprouts individually in boiling water for 3 minut

Salads Bread Pepper Salt ...

Inserts avokadoen into small pieces and baste with lemon. Cut the spring onions into rings, finely chop the chili finely and mix the ingredients in a bowl. Squeeze the garlic and add it along with coriander, oil, Snip chives, salt and pepper. Stir in avocado S