Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Boiling water

Mains Couscous Boiling water Onion ...

Mix the onion, garlic, olive oil, salt, cumin, ginger, paprika and saffron in a bowl. The meat came by and turn it around in the spices. Let the meat pull in the marinade for at least two hours in the refrigerator. Got butter, tomatoes and honey in a saucep

Cakes in form Cacao Cognac Karfoffelmel ...

Sugar and egg yolks whipped stiff. Butter and chocolate is melted over a water bath. Almonds cognac nescafe boiling water cocoa and potato flour mixed into the egg and sugar mixture together with chocolate mixture. Bake in springform at 175 degrees C ca. 30 mi

Bread, buns & biscuits (335 ml) white Potato flour Molasses (may be omitted) ...

Opblød rye in boiling water for 10 minutes. Leave to cool. Stir in potato flour and yeast, Dissolve salt in hvidtøl., yogurt and molasses in warm water pour it into. Add rye flour and wheat flour and knead the dough thoroughly. The dough will be something soli

Drinks (warm) Black currant juice Brown sugar Boiling water ...

Pour the black currant juice in a large heat-resistant glass, and pour boiling water in. Add dark rum and brown sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Served in a tall, heat-resistant glass or mug. You may want to. tie a napkin around the glass in order

Salads A little extra lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Bulgur is loaded in a large bowl and pour boiling water over. Bulguren pulls in about 15 minutes. When al væden is absorbed, add lemon juice, olive oil, parsley, mint, coarsely-cut spring onions and both of spicy tomatoes. Tabboulehen tilsmages and "resting" i

Cakes in form Desiccated coconut Vanilla sugar Butter ...

In a bowl Mix flour, sugar, eggs and melted butter. Whip it all in 3 minutes and add the baking soda. Behind in a square shape (the cake must be approx. 5 cm high when finished) at 190 degrees in 15-20 my. When the cake is cold, cut it into approximately

Desserts (cold) Chocolate kaffebønner Boiling water Sugar ...

Beat the egg yolks with sugar and came in the boiling water little by little to the mass is breezy. Then came the chocolate into. Whip the cream stiff and gently turn it in at the end. Com iscremen in a form and put it in the freezer. Then made coffee syrup by

Sides Gelling agent Lemon juice Boiling water ...

Lemon juice in the boiling water, and then add the mint leaves. Let it boil about 5 minutes. The leaves are strained from. Add a little water if necessary by, so you have 4 cups total. Gelling agent granted and sugar added. The whole hair a rehash, skimmed