Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Boiling water

Cakes Boiling water Wheat flour Melted butter (little finger hot) ...

vanilliesukker, sugar, cocoa, flour and baking powder mix together. eggs and butter are mixed together with the distributors. mix quickly in water. Bake on the lower Groove at 175 degrees for 50 minutes. Tips: the dough may be thin but it doesn't matter

Cakes in form Boiling water Milk Vanilla sugar ...

Margarine is melted and stirred softly along with sugar. Eggs in one at a time. Cocoa is stirred in. Flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar mix instantly and silently in the water and milk and stir with. Bake at 175 degrees C for about 1 hour.

Soups Pepper Salt Boiling water ...

The potatoes peeled and cut into cubes. Mushrooms, cleaned and cut into thin slices. Garlic and parsley chopped fine. Butter or margarine is melted in a medium saucepan. Potatoes and mushrooms in and reversed some minutes in the fat, while there is stirred

Cookies Milk Carnation Allspice ...

Heat the Honey and sugar. Stir in the mass until it is cooled. Pipes then egg and spices in. Finally added with antler salt and potash which is dissolved in boiling water. dejenæltes and placed on ice in 2 days. Then roll it out and plug out for cakes or roll

Mains Salt the eggplants require much salt Black pepper Cayenne ...

All the vegetables out in a pretty deep baking dish ... Mix them a bit ... crumble the beef/lamb/meat advantage over vegetables ... mix it down a bit between the vegetables ... Broth: all the ingredients are mixed in the boiling water and pour over meat and

Cakes Milk Wheat flour Margerine ...

melt margerinen in a pan and it came in a bowl, add milk and eggs. flour, sugar, vanilla, baking powder and cacao in a second Bowl and mix together. Pour the boiling water and flour Alternately, etc. in the bowl with the egg and it. Bake in preheated oven

Cakes Cocoa Icing Soft butter ...

Ældt it all together and let it stir around for about 5 min and then put the dough up into a mold and take the cake in the oven. And then there's a delicious cake for the class or yourself:) Butter cream icing and water together: stir. And whip the soft but

Sauces Udkernet fresh strong red chilli chopped Boiling water Salt ...

Put the dry chilies soak in boiling water until soft, about 10 minutes. Blend in blender to smooth mass. Saute bell peppers, red onion, garlic, shrimp and chilli with salad oil over medium heat until soft, about 3 minutes. Stir in the chilies, tamarind conc