Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Boiling water

Cakes Eggs Cognac Boiling water ...

All the ingredients kneaded well together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The dough is divided in 4 equal pieces, which rolled out in 20 cm. long sausages, which is pressed flat on one side, so the cake gets drop

Cakes Gel Raspberry jam Stir together to appropriate consistency ...

To break up the cold fat puff pastry in the flour. The cold water kneaded in. Dough rests in about 15 minutes in a cool place. Meanwhile made vandbakkelses dough: Water and fat brought to the boil and stir in the flour to the dough drop the Pan, Afbages. is

Cakes in form Cardamom Salt Eggs ...

The milk is poured into a dish, lunes and dissolve the yeast in it. Remember the yeast must not be heated with. Wheat flour and the other ingredients mixed in, and it all kneaded together into a uniform dough, which raises to double size for about 15 minutes i

Cakes in form Icing Boiling water Grated must of ½ lemon ...

Eggs and sugar whisked. In this mix, melted afsvalede butter or margarine, flour, baking powder, spices, cream and possibly. grated lemon peel. The dough is stirred well immediately. Place in a well-oiled form that holds about 1 litre. Bake for 45 minutes a

Cakes in form Chocolate (melted in a water bath) or glaze Buttermilk Icing ...

1. The fat is softened and stirred well with sugar. 2. Add the eggs-one at a time. 3. Bananas moses and place in. 4. The broken nut cores and oatmeal granted. 5. Butter milk is poured in. 6. Flour, bicarbonate of soda and vaniliesukker sifted together and

Cakes Salt Eggs Boiling water ...

The milk is poured into a dish, lunes and dissolve the yeast in it. Remember, the yeast must not be heated with. Wheat flour and the other ingredients mixed in, and it all kneaded together into a uniform dough, which raises to double in size in a warm place, c

Desserts (patisserie) Cream dabs or cocktail cherry Half or whole pineapple rings Large tablespoons. wheat flour ...

For bottoms, beat whole eggs and sugar into a thick egg snaps. The heat, however, not quite boiling water is added, and finally stir flour and baking powder in the Dough in a well-oiled. breadcrumbs strewn springform. Bake at 175 degrees C in 40-45 minutes.

Bread, buns & biscuits EVS Grated zest and juice of 2 lemons Eggs ...

Fat and sugar is stirred together. The fat should be softened to a consistency like mayonnaise, and then the egg is added. Finally, mix the flour and the other ingredients in, and it all touched to a uniform mass. The mass is filled into the lubricated and