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Recipes with Avocado

Mains Avocado Peppers Dijon mustard ...

Cut the meat in 1/2 cm thick slices. Mix the flour and pepper. Turn the slices in it. Beat eggs, water and cheese together and turn the slices into egg mixture. Butter and oil heats up on a Gastolux pan until light brown. Fry the slices Golden at low heat,

Salads Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

They came precooked cous cous in a pan and pour boiling water over as directed on the package or boil rice instead. Pour the olive oil and the juice of half the lemon. Slice the celery, cucumber, avocado and tomato into small pieces. Clip purløget fine. Mix ev

Appetizers Watercress, fresh Chilli, crushed Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Part avocadofrugtene in two so you have four half. Pressure fresh squeezed lemon juice more so they do not become Brown and ugly. Mix sour cream with salt, pepper and chili. (it was too strong, add a little sugar)! Now mix the prawns in the dressing and

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon ...

ROE rinse and be wrapped in aluminum foil or tracing Roe added in a saucepan and cover with water, spices, salt and vinegar added to the water brought to a boil slowly Roe cooked in 40-45 min. depending on the size taken up, the foil is removed and Roe ROE is

Lunch (to go) Lemon juice Little nigella Pepper ...

Kyllingefiletterne seasoned with curry powder, salt and pepper and FRY at medium heat for about 5 minutes on each side. Mix the minced red onion, fintsnittet scallions and chopped coriander, and season with salt and pepper. Slice the mango flesh free of the st

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Crème fraiche 38% Pepper ...

Take the seeds out on jalapeñopepperne and chop them finely. Squeeze garlic and chop the coriander fine. Mix all the ingredients. Add the chicken strips and the mariner like overnight. Take the strips up and fry them in a hot pan. Part paprika into thin