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Recipes with Avocado

Lunch Olive oil Red onion Lettuce leaves ...

Lunes, sliced loaves and lubricated with Miracle Wip. Salad leaves, chop avocado and tomatoes cut into slices and red onion in rings. Chives cut fine. Gather so bacon and filet is in the middle of the sandwich, sprinkled with chives and closes with the other b

Desserts (cold) Juice of 1 lemon Orange Avocado ...

Halve cherimoyaen, take the pulp out and remove the black seeds. Appelsinen, part of the Peel into quarters and cut it into slices. Halve Kaikan, and take the stone out. Peel half the parts and cut them into slices. Sprinkle fruit with sugar mixture and pour l

Mains Avocado Tarragon vinegar Spring onions ...

Halve the chickens and put them in a greased, not too large roasting pan. Chop onion and garlic very finely and mix it in the butter together with the spices. Butter mixture on the chicken pieces and put the baking pan in a 225-degree warm oven for about 50 mi

Mains A small bunt fresh coriander Juice av 1 small sitron or lime Av 1/2 lime juice ...

Chicken thighs warmed in the oven at 200 ° c for about 15 minutes or until they are gjennomvarme. Butter at barbecuesaus after they're stekt. Salsa: mix together the paprika, bulbs, tomatoes and herbs well in a bun. Smak with salt, lime juice and chili pepp

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Cous-cous salad: they came precooked cous cous in a pan and pour boiling water over as directed on the package or boil rice instead. Pour the olive oil and the juice of half the lemon. Slice the celery, cucumber, avocado and tomato into small pieces. Clip purl

Lunch Olive oil Pepper Lettuce leaves ...

Put satatblade, shredded pepper and sliced avocado on bread slices. Then slices of Apple and tomato. On top of the added brie cheese, sundried tomato and sliced red onions. Pour olive oil over and season with salt and pepper.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Pork Tenderloin seasoned with salt and pepper and Brown on all 4 sides in a frying pan. Then FRY the finished in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven in 20-25 my. Mushrooms cleaned and Brown in a frying pan with a spray of oil – and can possibly. be determi

Receptions Dill, fresh Lemon, the juice of which Avocado ...

The stick-out 2 canapés on ca. 6 cm. in diameter of each bread, grate them and lubricate them with a with a thin layer of butter. Serve slices of salmon over as small sma nests. Squeeze lemon juice into a bowl, and came. Halvér avocados and remove the st