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Recipes with Avocado

Salads Olive oil Watercress or other herbaceous Fine green beans ...

The potatoes scraped and cooked tender. They cooled. Nippes and boil the beans 3-4 min. they are poured with cold water and allow to cool. Potatoes and beans mixed with chopped watercress or other green, URf.eks. flat-leaf parsley. That stirred a dressing of o

Salads Salt Oil Water ...

Cut the asparagus in ca. 2 cm long pieces. Peel Kaikan, and cut it and the other ingredients into cubes. Mix everything with the dressing. The dressing: mix the oil and water with lemon juice flavored with salt.

Salads Lemon juice Flutes Red bell pepper ...

Cook the meat in salted water over low heat for about 15 minutes. Take it up and let it cool completely before cutting into the bias thinly sliced. Fry the bacon crisp in a dry pan and let it drain on the fat-sucking paper. Hug the bacon. Rinse and dry lettuce

Salads Flute Salt Lemon ...

24 hours before the dry tomatoes in water. shrimp (5 min) or chicken (10 min) toasting on the forehead-sprinkle garlic salt and peder. Water boils to asparagus. Should cook for about 5 mins. Cut lettuce into thin strips advantage on 2 plates, onion and c

Sides Chili Lemon juice Garlic ...

Avocadoens flesh shall be taken. Tomato, red onion & garlic chopped fine. All ingredients together with a whisk, stir and season with salt, chilli & lemon juice. Serve as a dip, as well as used in various dishes.

Soups Freshly ground pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Cut lemon shell in fine strmler. Remove the core and outlet avocado the avocado flesh. Cut it into slices. Cut the onion into slices. Put a few rings to one side and gently fry the rest of the olive oil until they are clear. Pour the broth and boil a half an h

Mains Curry Paprika Breadcrumbs ...

Marinated corn: Marinated corn to be prepared about 2 hours before serving, as they have to pull the bed sheet. The sugar is melted in the boiling vinegar and allow to cool. Olive oil and a little salt added. The frozen corn is poured in and draws a few hours

Cold cuts Dill Salt Pumpkin seeds down soaking 2-4 hours ...

It all blended. If you are using a hand blender, so start by blending the seeds and cumin together with oil and vinegar. This paté is perfect to get nori Roulades or wakame dolmer. Tips: This paté you are high! Probably due to the large concentration of