Sauces recipes
Bring cherries and 1/2 dl. water to the boiling point. Udrør corn flour flour in the rest of the water. Stir smooth no in the sauce. Cook the sauce for approx. 1 minute – and the sauce is ready to be served warm together with e.g. rice a la mande.
Cook neck, gizzard and heart wingtips, along with vegetables and possibly. broth 1 hour.
SI it (it can be done in good time). Pour the juices from the second addition. Let it stand for a moment, and foam fat of (it attaches itself above). Melt the butter, a
The cloud is creamed off for fat. Let fat be finally bit back, as it features tastes. The cloud is cooked up, smoothed over with meljævning, season with salt, a little pepper, sugar and red currant jelly. Suit on to the true color.
You can also melt
Cook neck, gizzard and heart wingtips, along with vegetables and possibly. broth 1 hour. SI it (it can be done in good time).
Pour the juices from the second addition. Let it stand for a moment, and foam fat of (it attaches itself above). Melt the butter, a
Bouillon is dissolved in boiling water, allowed to stand and cool off. Margarine is melted, and bake up with the flour broth add a little at a time, 1 small teaspoon sugar and about 1 tablespoon. Red balsamic vinegar and a little madkulør added. Be cooked thro
Cook neck, gizzard and heart wingtips, along with vegetables and possibly. broth 1 hour.
SI it (it can be done in good time). Pour the juices from the second addition. Let it stand for a moment, and foam fat of (it attaches itself above).
Melt the butter
Recipe categories
- Appetizers 1338
- Breakfast & brunch 427
- Porridge & gruel 144
- Bread, buns & biscuits 1758
- Cold cuts 395
- Lunch 1051
- Lunch (to go) 146
- Sandwiches 50
- Mains 11918
- Salads 1562
- Dressing 302
- Sauces 617
- Sides 1951
- Soups 1352
- Drinks (cold) 1888
- Drinks (warm) 227
- Desserts (cold) 2416
- Desserts (warm) 707
- Desserts (patisserie) 394
- Cookies 917
- Cakes 1445
- Cakes in form 2822
- Cake add-ons 139
- Snacks 73
- Midnight snacks 40
- Base recipes 234
- Buffets 95
- Candy 522
- Fruits 19
- Lamb 14
- Pickling 733
- Receptions 34
- Seasonal 3
- Sushi 6
- Various 328