Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sides Large cauliflower into small florets Macadamia-nut ...

Blend and mix it with a spoon. It gives 2-3 cups. The consistency reminds a lot of good old-fashioned mashed potatoes. You can pepper it up with garlic, lemon juice, chives or other herbs.

You can also leave it as it is and serve Gourmé sauce or Brown-sauce...

Sauces Pepper Salt Onion ...

Chop loose well, and chop it in the margarine with the chopped thyme. Add the sliced ​​mushrooms and simmer a little.

Now add the red wine vinegar and cook this in. Then add the red wine and boil it to half.

You can now choose to base the sauce on cream ...

Mains Fresh lovage Pepper Salt ...

The squash is cut into fine tern and the other vegetables are chopped with the exception of the peas. It all comes in the pan with the butter and cooks approx. 30 minutes. The peas are sprinkled over....

Soups Bread A little tabasco Pepper ...

Cut squash into thin slices and chop peeled. Step in oil 2 min. And add the other ingredients and let it boil for 15 minutes. Good luck and serve fried farms....

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Salt Water ...

Water and yeast stir the remaining ingredients in, stir well with the stirrer / hand pointer and then raise for approx. 1/2 hour - 3 blocks.

Good luck if possible. Add a little extra flour, peel and then raise again until the oven is hot.

Bake at 225 deg...

Cakes in form A little vanilla Boiling water Skimmed milk ...

Whip egg and sugar very well, then fill in the last ingredients in the written order. Bake in a frying pan lined with baking paper in a 200 degree hot oven, middle groove for approx. 1/2 hour. Can also be used for bakers and good for the freezer....

Cake add-ons Egg yolk Vanilla pod Corn flour cornstarch ...

Sugar, maizena and vanilla grains are mixed and whipped well with 1 dl of milk. Finally add the egg yolk.

The remaining 4 dl of whole milk is boiled in a pan with the empty vanilla bar.

As soon as the milk boils, add the other ingredients. Boil for 5 sec...

Cake add-ons Vanilla sugar Eggs Wheat flour ...

Put the milk in a boil. Eggs, sugar and flour are stirred together. The boiling milk is dripped while stirring. The cream is poured back into the pan and given a boil. It is cooled and whipped and seasoned with vanilla...