Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Pickling Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

Bring all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix them well.

Put the mixture in the oven for 10 minutes at 100%. Stir around sometimes.

Chutney cooled. It is served for curry dishes.

The recipe is intended for microwave with 750 watt power at 1...

Bread, buns & biscuits Aniseed, crushed Baking soda Cinnamon ...

The cake form is lined with greased parchment paper.

Flour, sugar, aniseed, cinnamon and baking soda are served in a large bowl.

The butter is melted for 45 seconds 100%.

The milk is heated for 1 minute at 100% and honey and the melted butter are adde...

Cakes in form Walnuts Milk Baking soda ...

Bring the chocolate into pieces into a bowl and add water. Melt in the oven for 2 minutes at 100%.

Add butter and warm mixture for 1 minute at 100%. Whip it well with a whipping.

A cake form is lined with greased parchment paper.

Whip eggs and sugar t...

Cakes in form A little extra coconut to garnish Baking soda Lemon, zest and juice of which ...

A cake form is lined with parchment paper.

The butter is melted in a bowl for 45 seconds at 100%.

Whip egg, sugar and powder sugar the same in a large bowl until the mixture is light and airy. Turn the melted butter into the mixture. Add lemon peel and j...

Cakes in form Baking soda Honey Vanilla ...

A cake form is lined with parchment paper.

The butter is placed in a glass bowl and melted in the oven for 45 seconds at 100%.

Whip eggs and sugar together in a large bowl, add the melted butter, vanilla sugar, flour, baking powder, dates and walnuts.

Desserts (cold) Milk Vanilla sugar Sugar ...

Warm milk and vanilla sugar for 2½ minutes at 100%.

Turn the eggs out and divide the whites and plums. Whip the flowers with the sugar. Until they are white. Then pour the warm milk into the mend they whip all the time.

Put it in the oven for 1 minute at...

Cakes in form Egg yolk Lemon, thereof Sugar ...

Mix eggs and sugar in a large bowl and add cream cheese, lemon balm, flour and raisins.

Mix well together and pour the dough into a greased pie (about 20 cm in diameter). Bake for 6 minutes at 100%.

Servers cold in the shape of fruit compote, eg. cherry ...

Sauces Sugar Water Apples, peeled and cut into cubes ...

Bowl apples and water in a suitable large dish and cover with plastic film. Boil for 8 minutes at 100%

Mash the apples and stir in sugar. Suitable for dishes with pork

The recipe is intended for microwave with 750 watt power at 100%...