Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Salt Diced tomatoes with chilies, canned ...

Stir onions in a tiny piece of oil on the hot pan. Pour a salt of water (it makes the onions soft), and then add the beef to the onions. Season with salt, pepper and garlic. Pour the frying pan into an ovenproof dish.

Clean and cut the pears in rings and sp...

Sides Garlic to taste Bøftomat, in both Courgette, in small pieces ...

Distribute potatoes, vegetables, almonds and thyme on the two pieces of baking paper. Distribute lemon juice, squeezed garlic, salt and pepper over.

Close the baking sheet close to the vegetables and put the packages on a baking sheet. Behind them 40 min. A...

Pickling Cinnamon Sugar Pitted cherries ...

Bring cherries, sugar and cinnamon into a large bowl. Mix well and place the bowl in the oven without lid for 15 minutes at 100%.

Shake and twist the bowl regularly to ensure that the jam is evenly distributed.

Pour it on cleaned glass. Allow it to cool ...

Pickling Cinnamon Lemon juice Sugar ...

Clean the flowers, remove the stones and rub the flowers in quarters.

Bring flour, lemon juice, cinnamon and sugar into a bowl and mix well.

Place the dish without lid in the oven for 15 minutes at 100%. Shake it several times to ensure that the preparat...

Pickling Pears, cut into pieces Apples, cut into pieces Sugar ...

Bowl apples, pears, grapes and sugar in a large bowl and mix well.

Put the mixture in the oven without lid for 15 minutes at 100%.

Pour the marmalade onto cleaned glass. Allow it to cool and tie the glasses with a spoonful of paper.

The recipe ...

Pickling Allspice, packed in cloth so that it can be removed again Cayenne pepper Salt ...

Add onions, tomatoes, vinegar, sugar and salt in a large bowl and mix well.

Lay the plastic film over and put the oven at 100% for 10 minutes. Turn the bowl every 5 minutes.

Remove the plastic film and add cayenne pepper and mustard. Put the little bag w...

Pickling Lemon, the juice of which Strawberries, cleaned Sugar ...

Bring strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in a bowl and mix well.

Place the dish in the oven for 12-14 minutes at 100%. Stir around after 5 minutes, then all the sugar melts.

Pour the jam on cleaned glass. When it's cold, the glasses are bound with spoon...

Bread, buns & biscuits Vinegar Oatmeal, finvalsede Salt ...

Mix wheat flour, whole wheat flour, baking soda and salt in a large bowl.

Carefully brush the butter into the mixture and make a hole in the middle of the dough.

Bring milk, vinegar and dark syrup into a jug, like the oven set for 30 seconds at 100%.
