Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Chopped nettles chickweed violblomser red clover tusinddfryd Plantago major Canola oil Salt ...

Flour, salt and sugar pour into a bowl. Eggs and milk are added while stirring with whipping. Pour the dough into a jug. Bring some oil on the forehead and pour a little pancake pie on it. Stir the herbs over (try with different amounts and mixtures). Turn the...

Bread, buns & biscuits A little oil and additional wheat flour Oil Milk ...

Lun milk, stir in yeast and mix oil, salt and flour. It pours and raises mine. half an hour. The dough can be made in advance and brought in a plastic bag that is not "breathed completely" inside another bag so that the dough can raise without breaking the bag...

Bread, buns & biscuits A little oil and additional wheat flour Water Salt ...

If you wish to manufacture the dough outdoors and the temperature is too low for yeast use, this recipe can be used instead. Mix flour, salt and baking soda and add so much water that the dough becomes handleable. Herbs are mixed in as mentioned above and the ...

Soups Salt Marjoram Tomato puree ...

The burners are chopped and wiped in oil together with onion cans. All other ingredients are brought in and the whole molevitten is boiled for 20 minutes for low heat and eaten so hot....

Appetizers Oil Handful of parsley Lemon juice ...

Bring the fires in a small pot of boiling water and pick them up with a sieve after 2-3 minutes. Chop the nuts roughly and take advantage of a small dish. Stir the dressing together with oil, lemon juice and chopped parsley and pour it over the nails. Boil the...

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

The fathers are well mixed and shaped into meatballs. Boil in a pan of lather salted water. The meatballs rise to the weather when they are cooked. Then taken up by the water.

The coarse white cabbage is boiled in lather-salted water for approx. 3-5 min. Dr...

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Lime slices Water ...

Boil sugar and water together until the sugar is dissolved. Cool the mixture. Rinse and nip the strawberries and put them in the blender together with rum, sugar and ice cubes (store some nice berries for decoration). Blend at short intervals until it is even ...

Mains Chicken broth Coffee cream 9% to jævning Pepper ...

Bacon in tern switched, turkey breast in tern welded with. Then add carrots to sliced ​​and sliced ​​and sliced. Add thyme, salt and pepper. Water and chicken stock added. The dish cooks for 20-25 minutes.

Meanwhile, the pasta is boiled. The court may be ju...