Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains ' cheese ' Sea salt Basil ...

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and kneaded. The dough is raised and then divided into two equal parts rolled over two greased baking plates. The sleeper is distributed in addition to the dough and fill as desired. The cheese will last. Bake in t...

Sauces Suit Lemon juice Vegetable water (water from boiled vegetables) ...

3 tablespoons. Roasted wheat flour (wheat flour shaken on dry forehead to slightly golden) Stir with water for a smoothing.

Soy milk and vegetable water are poured into a saucepan. Then add honey, salt, onion powder, lemon juice, peanut butter an...

Desserts (cold) 1 couple of tablespoons. water or vinegar Egg whites (about 3 egg whites) Sugar ...

The egg whites are whipped very stiff together with half of the sugar. There may be stirred. Some water or vinegar in. The last sugar is reversed in the pinch egg whites.

Put the margarine on a baking sheet with baking paper. The mass can be used for kisses...

Mains Vinegar Pepper Salt ...

The water is boiled and a lettuce vinegar comes in and well salted and a dill dill. The lobster tails are boiled in teams. Put about 10 virgin peas in the boiling water when they reach the surface, they are immediately taken up and put into cold water. Repeat ...

Pickling Lemon Water Sugar ...

Shake the flowers free of dust and any insects, and put them in a jar together with the sliced ​​lemons, tartar and sugar. Pour boiling water over. Stir in the mixture and leave it for 4-5 days. Put flowers and lemon slices off, and pour the juice on cleanly s...

Mains Roast pork Foil tray as the roast can be in Pepper ...

Start by turning the ball on. It is important to put the litters outside the grill.

Spice a piece of pork with salt and pepper. Insert any. A step thermometer in the steps and place it in a foil tray that is placed in the grill. Make sure that the ground is...

Sides Fresh chili Lime juice thereof Onion ...

The tofu is drained and wrapped in a clean whisper. The tofu is placed between two plates pressed together, so the tofu is less moisturized and can soak up more marinade.

Ingredients for marinade are mixed. The tofu is cut into squares and descended into th...

Mains The 3 spice Olive oil Pepper ...

The lamb casserole is boned completely or partially, I prefer partially.

Cut around the femur, it's at the thick end, a bit down the leg, the hardest thing is to divorce the leg in the lead, but with some kindness and clarity it can be done. In this way it ...