Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Cold cuts Pepper Rosemary Salt ...

The meat is shaken on the forehead in a little oil and run twice through the meat chopper. Rosemary, thyme, peeled garlic and mustard onion are sautéed on the same pan and then run through the meatbaker. The pan is boiled by the electricity fund. wine. Stir to...

Mains Carrots Garlic Celery ...

Season the meat with salt and pepper - brune on a pan and cook in the oven for 150 gr for 8-18 min. The meat must work firm but not hard. Core - temp. ca. 48 gr. If the club is cooked whole: Brown the fridge with 220 gr for 15 min. Then about 20 min. per. kg. ...

Drinks (cold) Water Sugar Lemon, zest and juice of which ...

Shelf blossoms, citric acid, lemon juice and shell and sugar are mixed and poured with boiling water. Set cold and pull 4-5 days under cover.

Sifted and poured into bottles. Put a few bottles in the fridge and freeze the rest, for example. In cleaned milk c...

Drinks (cold) Water Sugar Lemon, zest and juice of which ...

Shelf blossoms, citric acid, lemon juice and shell and sugar are mixed and poured with boiling water. Set cold and pull 4-5 days under cover.

Sifted and poured into bottles. Put a few bottles in the fridge and freeze the rest, for example. In cleaned milk c...

Desserts (warm) Peanut oil Vanilla ice cream Bicarbonate of soda ...

Flour sugar soda and water to a dough in a bowl.

Remove the peel from the bananas and divide them into 3 pieces and roll them into flour. Dip the banana pieces into the dough and let the excess dough drip off. Heat the wok pan and add oil (requires some oil...

Mains Oregano Paprika Pepper ...

Put the rice over and boil as directed.

The fathers are shaped into 4 large and thin steaks. On 2 of the steaks, place 1 slice of cheese and tomato slices and sprinkle with oregano.

Lay the 2 other steaks over and close well with your fingers. Be careful...

Appetizers Fresh herbs, dill and chives White pepper Ruccola salad ...

It smokes for approx. 15-20 min. Remove the meat and remove the legs. In a bowl, mix the meat with finely chopped red onion and herbs. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Honey-Mustard Cream:
Cream fraiche, mascapone, honey and mustard are se...

Desserts (cold) Icing sugar Vinegar Whites ...

Whip egg whites, vinegar, and half of sugar to staple foam. Turn the rest of the sugar into it and whip it all over again.

Tear the marcipan in the marble and turn it quickly together.

Lay the marengsen as a large mountain on a baking sheet with baking p...