Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Soups Freshly picked watercress Grønsagsboullion Mixed brændenælde shot dandelion leaves Sorrel aegopodium podagraria ...

The green leaves and the onion cans are chopped. All this is steamed in the butter and boiling broth is poured. The soup is boiled for 10 minutes. Cream fraiche is added and seasoned with a little salt. If the soup is too thin, it may even out slightly. When s...

Soups Egg yolks Minced chives Mallow leaves and flowers ...

Clean the pores and season them in oil. Rinse and chop the casserole leaves and flowers and put them in the pan. Add chicken stock and simmer for approx. 20 minutes. Then add milk and evenly with the egg yolks. Season with garlic, salt and pepper and serve wit...

Cake add-ons Egg white Icing sugar Violet heads ...

The egg whites are flushed well with a fork and the sugar spreads on a piece of parchment paper. Each flower head is dipped first in the airy egg white that acts as a glue. Then the flower is put in the sugar and the sugar is shaken over the flower with the pa...

Mains Minced ground elder Salt Softened butter ...

Boil the stalks in lettuce water for 10 minutes. Stir the butter and flour together and stir this bowl together with the cooked stalks. Stir until it forms a solid "dough" and boil it for 5 minutes. Season with salt and decoration with minced squash cabbage....

Sides Finely chopped Yarrow Salt Whipped cream ...

Whip the whip - it can be done outdoors with whipping or by pouring it up (max. 1/3) in the small elongated glass that is bought in olive oil, so that even small children can butter outside, it takes up to 15 minutes . The finished butter is slated and the cre...

Cold cuts Sour cream Finely chopped alliaria nettle ground elder and sorrel Salt ...

The cherry milk is poured into a saucepan and slowly warmed up to approx. 60 degrees (important - a finger stuck in the milk must be blank and not white when it comes up!). Do not touch it anymore. Then the trap is filtered through a dish. The cloth with the c...

Bread, buns & biscuits Chopped red and white clover flowers Salt Eggs ...

Mix flour, salt, sugar and baking soda and stir in milk and eggs. Bring the clover blossoms in. Melt butter and mix in the dough. This must be very wet so that the balls can be shaped with a spoon. The balls are baked on a greased baking sheet and often revers...

Sides Oil Pepper Salt ...

All herbs are finely chopped - use if necessary. A parsley shaker. Eggs, raspes, salt and pepper are brought in and everything is brought together to a permanent father. Adjust if necessary. Daddy with oil. The fry plates are shaped by hand and fry in oil on a...