Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Oil Pilauris Salt ...

Strimmel pork chop, mix almonds, garlic, chilli with 2 tablespoons. Water in a mortar. The suite slid with oil in a pan until it is clear. Pour the cream and all the spices over. Add the broken almonds. Let it boil and then add the pork tenderloin and taste wi...

Mains Pepper Salt Carrot ...

The swine canister is put into cold water and allowed to boil while dusting diligently. When cooked, screw down and add salt and spice bag. Let the shank smack until it is almost tender and then clean the vegetables all the way to the soup. Let boil for anothe...

Mains A little butter Pepper Salt ...

Sugar is browned to caramel over low heat. Add the butter. Here the brown cabbage is browned.

The swallowed swine cane is given a quick boil in boiling water. Then put in braised potatoes with herbs and soups.

Then bring the cabbage and the dish is brais...

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh ginger ...

Blasted skins must be ordered at the butcher a few days in advance.

Give the shanks a boil.

Cut the vegetables into the tern and season them in butter in a large pot together with finely chopped ginger. Put the shanks on the vegetables, add crispy almond...

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

The shank is put together with gates, broth, coarse carrot carrot, bay leaf, pepper corn and coarse-cut onion. Boil under lid for approx. 45 min.

The shank is taken up and placed in a refractory dish together with the other ingredients that it was boiled wi...

Mains Salt Pig skanke Thyme ...

Cut deep scratches several places in the swarm of the shanks (requires a sharp knife). Put them in a large ovenproof dish.

Peel and peel all the herbs and cut them into a big tern. Put them around the meat with the spices. Also pour the porter on.

Put th...

Mains Pepper Lemon juice and grated to be thereof Honey ...

Find all spices in a mortar or in a food processor, add lemon juice, honey and mustard gradually to obtain a dense pasta.

Cut the shanks thoroughly in the swallow (1/2 cm apart). Rub the spice mixture in the slices, pack the shanks separately into baking pa...

Soups Pepper Salt Small bdt. parsley ...

The swine canister is put into plenty of cold water and allowed to boil under thorough foaming. Add a knife's salt, as well as the spice bag and let the shank spin until it's tender.

Take it out of the soup and throw away the spice bag.

The vegetables ar...