Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Let a large skillet be very hot and quickly flip the lamb chops once on the dry pan. Then take them off the forehead and let them cool off.

Whip the eggs well with the oil and add salt and pepper. Rub the chilled chops on both sides with the pinned, halved ...

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Lightly chop the lamb chops with the crushed half-garlic sauce, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, brush with 1 tbsp. Oil and turn in the parmesan cheese.

The eggs are whipped together, the chops are reversed first in the egg yolk and then into the rasp...

Mains White pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Garlic seed is peeled and halved. The chops are rubbed with garlic, pepper and just under half of the oil, put on top of each other in a bowl and allowed to pull under the lid for approx. 20 minutes.

The coin is rinsed and slipped dry, the leaves are choppe...

Soups Juice of 1 lemon Salt Black pepper ...

The lamb cut is cut into small cubes. The onions and garlic cloves are peeled and chopped well. The oil is heated in a saucepan, and the flesh is well spread on all sides for approx. 10 minutes.

Onion garlic is added and golden swirled with stirring. The fr...

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Remove the skin and excess fat from the kidneys and rinse them well. Put them in a bowl, pour them with the buttermilk and let them drain for 2-3 hours.

Then they are picked up and dried thoroughly in kitchen paper.
Heat the butter on a frying pan and rais...

Soups White pepper A little ground cinnamon Just a little offended rose paprika ...

Cut the meat into small cubes. Let the butter become golden while stirring. Then the water is stirred for a while, the soup is allowed to boil, season with salt and pepper and spin for 30 minutes for low heat.

The egg yolks are whipped thoroughly with lemon...

Sides Chili sauce Tomato ketchup Mayonnaise ...

Put 2-3 cloves of garlic into a bowl and mix with 150 grams of mayonnaise. Season with chilli sauce and tomato ketchup....

Sides Lemon juice A little sugar Salt ...

Pour 100 grams of mayonnaise together with 3 tablespoons. sour cream. ½ sour apple and 1 small onion tear and stir in sauce with 1-2 tsp. curry. Season with lemon juice, salt and possibly. A little bit of sugar....