Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Wheat flour Water Soybean oil ...

Dough: Dissolve yeast into the water and mix the rest of the ingredients.

Cream, egg, oil, cremefraiche mix together and season with salt and pepper. Onions, peppers, cchampignon and spinach are spiced in margarine on the forehead. The dough is put in a gre...

Mains Bacon cubes Cocktail sausages (not canned) Chopped tomatoes ...

Turn the bacon on the forehead until they are crispy, put them in an empty pot (keep the bacon on the forehead to fry the rest in) the chicken meat is cut into very thin pieces or short strips, put on the forehead immediately after the bacon is taken off Peppe...

Salads Lemon juice thereof Iceberg lettuce Dill ...

The iceberg salad is cut into smaller pieces to be placed in a bowl. The carambols are cut into thin slices. The dill is rinsed and chopped. The carambol slices are distributed in the salad, which is stored a pair of slices for decoration. Most of the dill and...

Cakes in form Egg white Icing sugar Desiccated coconut ...

Whip all the ingredients together and behind the bottom in a frying pan with baking paper for approx. 20 min. At 180 °....

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Creamed Spinach:
Opto spinach. This can be done by steaming it in a sieve if you have to rush. Bring some butter on a pan and steam the spinach for a few minutes. Sprinkle flour on spinach and add whipped cream and boil for a few minutes until the sauce has a...

Desserts (cold) Coffee cream Cane sugar ...

Caramelize the sugar into a pan and cook it with the cream. Freeze it afterwards in the ice maker following its instructions. If you have no machine, the mass is placed in a freezer bowl and put in the freezer. Remember to whip in it with half an hour's interv...