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Hancock (a cake I found myself)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 20 person(s)

Ingredients for Hancock (a cake I found myself)

Water or coffee
2 dl Jucie (can be excluded and instead used mini milk)
200 g Molten magarine
250 g Wheat flour
3 tsp Baking soda
3 tbsp Cocoa
350 g Sugar
5 Eggs

Instructions for Hancock (a cake I found myself)

To prepare the Hancock (a cake I found myself) recipe, please follow these instructions:

This recipe is not child friendly.
Eggs and sugar are whipped together into an airy white "egg snap". Flour, baking soda & amp; Cocoa mixed together. And alternate with jucie (milk), water or coffee. The magarine finally arrives. Bake in a 30 x 40 cm shape at 200 degrees for approx. 20 minutes

There are 2 different decorations for this cake. The first is coconut gum: 60g magarine 1½ dl syrup 225 g sugar 2 1/4 dl cream (can be replaced with milk) 225 g coconut ingredients are boiled in a saucepan and floated on the cake in a Evenly layer so far for another 15 minutes so that the cake has generally got 35 min. The other kind of decor is cheese cream: 300g cream cheese natural 120g magarine light or Becel (recommended) 120g flour cream 35g vanlijesukker ca. 1 teaspoon lemon concentrate 100 g chopped nuts The cheese cream is stirred together with half of the nuts. When the cake is cold, the cheese cream can be lubricated. The cake SHALL be stored in a refrigerator due to the cream cheese but taken out for a while (about 12 before) before it is eaten.

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