Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Syrup

Desserts (cold) Rice Krispies Syrup Dark chocolate ...

Break the chocolate into squares and jam it into the pan. Smørren now also crammed into the dish together with sirupen. Pipes now around the pan into it gradually begins to melt together when it bubbles you take rice Krispies in and move the Pan onto the kitch

Cakes Wheat flour Syrup Oatmeal ...

Knead all the ingredients together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The finished kneaded dough into 4 equal pieces, which rolled out for sausages in ca. 3 cm. thickness, at which point the set to cool, preferab

Desserts (cold) Apples Chocolate Chocolate ice cream ...

slice the apples strawberries and peach in small pieces let vanilla ice and chocolate ice blended together and stand and thaw a little bit how the ice is not hard. came the fruits in syrup and grated chocolate on top and

Cookies Zest of one lemon Deer salt Carnations ...

Bake for 12 mins Tips: Unfortunately I found no right out of what they should Bake at! :(

Cookies Half almonds Potash-udrørt in a little water Large tablespoons. St. cinnamon ...

syrup, butter, sugar, melt together over direct heat, stir in the cinnamon and cloves. When it's all melted together, taken by the heat and potasken stirred in. Allow to cool and mix with the flour. When the dough is cold enough to work with shared it

Bread, buns & biscuits Syrup Femkorns mix Lukewarm water (not more than 37grader consultancy) ...

Pour the lukewarm water in a bowl, and smulr the yeast in. Pour the remaining ingredients in, but save a little of the flour. Knead the dough thoroughly and add the last of the flour little by little. Set the dough to withdraw approximately 1 hour. Beat

Desserts (warm) Naton Syrup Large eggs ...

the ingredients are mixed. FRY in frying pan at medium temprature in small blobs. Serve with whipped cream and syrup Tips: Instead before soda and baking soda should be used 2 teaspoons of "cream of tater", this may, however, not available in Denmark

Cakes in form Butter Desiccated coconut Milk ...

heat the butter until it is lukewarm and heel it in a bowl, add as the rest of the ingredients and mix together. heel dough in a baking pan and bake it in the oven for about 1 hour at 200 degrees