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Recipes with Salt

Soups Bread-if applicable. long thin pieces of grilled bread EVS. salmon ROE or prawns Herbs for garnish ...

Sauter cucumbers and shallots in butter for both are ready. Bring the peas, pour broth and let it all spin 8-10 min. Blend the soup with herbs and goat cheese, season with salt and pepper and let the soup cool completely. Taste if Added with additional spice

Salads Pepper Chives Salt ...

Scrub the potatoes and boil them for 12-15 min. Till they are tender. Cool the potatoes. Brush the chicken breasts with a little oil and grill them on a frying pan until the meat is cooked. Sprinkle with salt. Cut the cucumber into small tern and tomatoes in

Mains Ketchup Lettuce leaves Mustard ...

Boil the mustard seeds in the water 2 min. Add vinegar, sugar and salt and boil. Take the saucepan from the heat, turn the cucumbers into the layer and lay on the lid. Stir occasionally into the cucumbers and make the other ingredients for the hot dogs ready

Mains Pepper Salt Almonds ...

Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and marinate it in 2 tablespoons. Chinese soy an hour time. Rinse and dirt almonds. Clean the vegetables, chop the onions and chop the leeks, carrots and spring onions in slices / rings. Cut chili into small pieces.

Salads Pepper Salt Fromage frais 0.3% ...

Mix fromage frais, mayonnaise, onions, garlic and seasoned with salt and pepper. Stir the mixture on the fridge while the potatoes are cut into the tern. It all blends in the end. tips: It's a good idea to have the finished salad on the fridge for a coupl

Salads Broth to boiling Lemon juice Pepper ...

Boil pearls in broth as indicated on the package. Discard the boiler water, drain and cool. Shake the rye bread and sharpen if necessary. In bars. Rinse spinach and feld salad and wrap it dry. Cut the cucumber into slices. Half the avocados, remove the sto

Lunch (to go) Salt Honey Tempered water ...

1 raise for one hour 2 shaped into bread 3 raises for 20 min 4 beautifull, boyfriends come on 5 baked at 225 degrees for 25 minutes

Mains Grøntsagsboullion for cooking Pepper Salt ...

Rinse quinoa and cook in boullion as indicated on the package and cool. Spice the steaks with salt and pepper and put them on a barbecue pan approx. 3 min on each side, depending on the thickness and how red you like the meat. Pick the leaves off the par