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Recipes with Salt

Mains Cashew nuts Ginger (totally ok if it is in powder form) Mug parsley ...

Peel all the root vegetables first and chop them roughly. Then chop the pears and chili as well as onion, garlic and crushed pot and put it all in a saucepan. Fill the pot with water until all the root crops are covered and set to boil. Depending on how rough

Mains Olive oil for lubrication of the baking pan. + aluminum foil Pepper Root crops – everything what one likes sliced ...

A frying pan or a refractory dish is lined with aluminum foil so it can also cover the dish lubricated with oil Then put the root vegetables and potatoes and garlic in and sprinkle with the spices. On top of the fish the fish should be brushed with a littl

Mains Cucumber Lemon Dill ...

Step Fish fillets about 5 minutes on each side until brown and crisp. Shake 2 slices of bread and make a salad leaf on each and two fish fillets on each. Put mayonnaise, shellfish, asparagus, tomato, cucumber, salmon and caviar over so it looks nice. Ser

Mains Suit Pepper Pepper. White ...

The meat is cut into the tern that comes in a saucepan with water, a beef bouillon dice and a bay leaf, let it boil approx. 2 hours until the meat is tender. Put the water from the meat and store the water in a bowl and the meat in another. Season the ca

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Cut some slices in the tendon around the meat and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Brown the meat on the forehead and put the pieces side by side in a large oven-proof dish or frying pan. Season the carved vegetables and spread them over the meat.

Cakes Water or milk Eggs Sugar ...

Come about 200 g. Flour in a bowl. Crumble the fat so it looks like grated cheese. Add sugar and salt. Stir yeast into milk or water. Make a dip in the flour and come into the yeast and the egg whipped egg. Beat and knead the dough together. Add the rest of

Desserts (warm) Remonce Salt Brown sugar ...

The yeast is stirred in the warm milk. Sugar is added. Flour and salt are mixed and added gradually with the butter. The dough is kneaded well and raised to a slanting place with a damp cloth over 25 minutes. The dough is thrown down and rolled on a fl

Soups Pepper Grated nutmeg Vegetable broth ...

Peel the root crops and cut into small pieces. Put all the pieces in a saucepan and add lime juice, coconut milk, broth, water and spices. Bring the soup into the boil. Put the lid on, turn a little down for the heat and let it boil for one hour. Server