Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Melted butter ...

Cover a frying pan with stanniol, butter the stanol with melted butter, whip the butter lightly and creamy with an electric whip, spice herbs, lemon peel, lemon juice and parmesan cheese and whip until it is even. Get the spice butter on the fish pieces by

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Dijon mustard ...

Put the chopped fish in a bowl, add the onions, lemon peel, creamy fry and rasp, knead the hands until the dough is well mixed, divide the dough into 4 equal steaks and shape them well. Melt butter in a thick frying pan and stir the steaks for 7 minutes or

Appetizers Freshly ground white pepper Pulp from 3 tomatoes Juice of ½ lime ...

Chop the sun-dried tomatoes fine and stir them in tomato powder and lime juice, add balsamic and cream the cassis, whip the oil, in a thin beam, taste with salt and pepper. Grease a piece of baking paper with oil and put the thin slices of halibut on. Sprin

Soups Salt Choy sum Peanut oil ...

Put the mushrooms in soft water in boiling water for 20 minutes, let them dripping off and squeeze out excess moisture, cut them well. Boil the noodles quickly in boiling water as directed by the package, let them drip well. Cut the leaves of the stems on c

Base recipes Salt Rice Water ...

Bring water and salt to the boil and add rice. When the water boil again turn down the heat and put the lid on. After 12 min. Turn off the rice for another 10 minutes under tight closing. The rice is loosened with a fork and is ready for serving.

Appetizers Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Let the snails drop off. Save the layer. Arrow the bulbs and chop them nicely. Pour them into the layers of pepper and chablis. Cook it in half at low heat. Add meat extract. Stir the butter softly. Add finely chopped onion, parsley and crushed garlic. Season

Appetizers Pepper Salt Tarragon ...

The layers are poured from the snails and stored. The snails are put to a drain in a sieve. The scallops are peeled and chopped well with the estragon. Then put it in a pan and sprinkle it with pepper, then the red wine is poured over. All of this is cooked by

Mains 38% sour cream Herbs of your choice (URf.eks thyme, parsley, dill, chives or Basil.) Pepper ...

The snails are marinated for 12 hours in the marinade, then mixed with cream fry to a thick mass and cooled. Serving suggestion: 1) Baked Bake pieces of butterflies into suitable pieces, and snap the screw. Ironing with egg white. Bake in the oven at 200 d