Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Blasted cook pork cooked to battle it is tender (about 1 hour) in water with chopped onion. Battle it out is taken up and then carrots into cubes and potatoes into cubes, add the broth. Boil approximately 15-20 min. to the potatoes are tender. The soup s

Mains Extra butter Wheat flour New potatoes ...

Plaice were found inside skinned (Have fishmonger for it), clean the fish and clip finders of. Rids any. the Woodpecker down along the backbones of 2/3 on each side. Turn the Woodpecker in wheat flour and flavored with salt and pepper. Increased Woodpecker

Mains Curry Ketchup/tomato paste according to taste Paprika ...

Saute the meat in oil, in a medium saucepan. Salt, pepper and came good with paprika by. Saute leek, gullerødder, bell pepper along with a few min. Add the water a little of the milk and tomato puree. Now let simmer for about 20 min. Add now tomato pieces, Bou

Mains Dill, fresh Tarragon, fresh Wheat flour ...

The cabbage is divided into quarters lengthwise, blanched in boiling water. EVS. by 2 times. The cabbage is taken up and onto the in a colander. The stalk is cut out and added the cabbage in a large roasting pan. Juice of 1 lemon, plus 3 tablespoons. Olive oil

Mains Pepper Salt Balsamic vinegar, dark ...

Brown the meat. Put onions, peppers and garlic and fry it. Add spices (except fresh chili), beer, vinegar and tomato. Let simmer for 30 minutes. Add the beans and let simmer on in 30 minutes. Fresh chillies Stemless udkernede and add and it diced some gr

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Salt Flour ...

Stir the yeast into the warm water, add the førts durum wheat, then alm. flour. Knead to a smooth dough-efterhæv 2-3 hours. Knead and space blyansttykke rods-efterhæv 30 min, behind in 15 minutes at 200 degrees. Tips: Good to grill-or as an appetizer with

Soups White pepper Wholemeal bread Onion ...

Half a bunch picked parsley Sauté in melted butter with chopped onion (1 if it is large or 2 small onions). Add 1 litre of broth and cook approximately ½ hour. Blended (possibly with hand blender) and sieved. Add the cream cheese and cream and season wit

Mains Pepper Salt Dried or fresh chilli (as needed) ...

Brown the meat in a large pot add the rest, stirring, let the sauce småsimmre for about 15 min butter a baking dish and pour a little sauce on the bottom, then mozzarella cheese, and sauce and a layer of lassenge plates, dish is full, proceed to (or no more sa