Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Turmeric, ground ...

The onion rives and forcemeat stirred together. A pot of water to the boil, turn down at the lowest burner and set dough balls with a teaspoon or Dessert spoon. When they come up to the surface is finished and taken up and placed on a plate, save the cookin

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Eggs Milk ...

melt the butter in a pan and the milk Lunde's and poured in a bowl. The yeast is mixed in it. The other ingredients are added and the dough is beaten well together in the bowl. raises the bar in a warm place about 20 min. brush with beaten egg together. Baking

Mains Cream or creme fraiche White pepper Herbs-parsley, chives dill or thyme ...

Saute the scallions/leeks and garlic in a pan for a moment. Add lemon juice and bouillon and then mixed herbs-preferably fresh, but not necessarily all the aforesaid. Season with salt and pepper and smooth the sauce with a little cream or creme fraiche, it mus

Mains Wheat flour to jævning Suit Pepper ...

Sausage meat, onions, flour, milk and egg is stirred together as a real Meatball sausage meat, add salt and pepper as needed. Forcemeat is resting. Blend tomatoes and pour them in a roasting pan, and pour the mushrooms on top, this mix easily. Form the models

Soups Parmasanost or grated romano Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Heat the grill in the oven up. Put tomatoes in a serving dish and place the 10-15 cm. below the grill. Grill the tomatoes until they are black, turn them on and off. Take the tomatoes out of the oven, let them cool slightly, and cut stilkeenden of. Getti

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Eggs Oil ...

The yeast stirred into a lukewarm water. Sugar, salt and oil stirred in. Durumhvedemelen el; grahamsmelen touched in. Then takes you a little wheat flour at a time. And so much flour that you end up with an airy and nice dough. Not too dry and heavy. Knead wel

Dressing Pepper Salt Tabasco ...

Put tomato concentrate in a pan and fire it. Add the Cayenne Pepper chili flakes salt and pepper to taste. Stir in 2 min. Add the oil and stir all the time in the oil mixture to boiling. Turn off and let draw. Tips: Is good to put on the dinner table, can

Mains 3-4 juice of limes Salt Chili pepper ...

Cut the fish into 24 equal pieces and put them in a porcelænsfad. Stir in lime juice and chili pepper together, pour the marinade over the fish and let it drag while they're making tamales-dough. Free corn flasks for subtending and soak them in hot water; d