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Recipes with Salt

Mains Eggs Potatoes Spice ...

Peel and grate the 4-5 large potatoes put them in a bowl along with 1 onion, salt, pepper and then came second spice after own taste, stir it all together. Put now small dollop of cakes on a hot pan and fry the potato klatkagerne in minutes at hverside.

Salads Pepper Salt Cane sugar ...

Potatoes scrubbed/cleaned and cooked so they are still fixed-cut into both. Cucumber halves, udstenes and cut into thin slices. Radishes are cleaned and cut into slices. Chives cut fine. Reversed with smoking cheese cream and possibly. Garnish with chives a

Mains Pepper Salt Plain mustard ...

Mix together the wine, mustard, half the oil and all the spices together. Put the meat in a bowl or plastic bag and pour the marinade over, cover the bowl with plastic and style it cool overnight. Next business day: Warm the last oil and saute a little onio

Mains Garlic Virgin olievenolie Paprika ...

Heat oil in a pan and saute the kryderierne. Then met the onion and sauté until it is in genemsigt. Add beef and Brown. Bacon, tomatoes that have been cut into small pieces, as well as tomatpuren and sugar granted. Simmer 15 min and got so lauarbærbladene i. s

Mains Pepper Salt Celery ...

Brown meat in butter and oil in a large frying pan of sometimes are taken up. Onion, garlic, celery and carrots in the Pan fry lightly together. the spices and tomato paste in the meat and put it back into the pan. Boiling water is poured in, so the meat is

Sides Salt Butter Sugar ...

Com kvarken in a tea towel and squeeze the væden out. Then filtered kvarken through a sieve. Sieve the flour also. 2 tbsp. butter heats up and mix with the flour, the eggs and salted, kvarken in a dish and mixed to a soft dough. The kernels are removed f

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the fish in appropriate serving pieces. Brush the fish with olive oil. The carrots peeled and cut into rough cubes. Blom cabbage cut into small florets (inserts if necessary. the stick into slices). Steam the vegetables in a little water with sea salt 3

Cakes Milk Salt Sugar ...

The dough must not be too hot, is about ½ hour before opslåningen. will you roll the dough must be treated as vinerdej and added cold. scrolling when approximately 200 g. of fat on 1 kg. dough. Manufactured screw conveyors, screw conveyors, brown butter, cu