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Recipes with Salt

Salads Pepper Root vegetables URf.eks. Celeriac Salt ...

The pheasant: Pheasant skinned and boned. Skins and bones are boiled with water and possibly. root vegetables for a powerful broth, which can be used in pateen instead of the 2 dl. Light Foundation, which is mentioned under the forcemeat. Marinade: Stir tog

Salads Pepper Salt Chicken bouillon cube ...

Boil bulguren in chicken stock as directed on package, Share the tomatoes into quarters, remove the juice and seeds and cut in small dice. Mix bulguren with tomatoes, herbs and lemon juice. Roast pine kernels and mix. Season with salt and pepper.

Soups Onion (abundant) Grated cheese Salt ...

Cut plenty of onions in thin skiverog let them roast light brown in butter or oil. Then pour hot water or meat extracts (more than you want soup) over and let it cook for 15 minutes, then add salt at will. Cut thin slices and put them on the soup franskbrøds,

Various Red food coloring Wheat flour Sugar ...

Mix everything in a bowl and add 1 tsp full vaniliesukker. set the oven at 200 degrees and place the cake in ovnén in 10 min.

Sides Lemon juice Fresh guard pepper Salt ...

Slice them into thick batons on well 1 cms thickness go 5 cm length. Cut the lget into tiny cubes. Saute the onion in the butter and pour a little water clearly on. Let the water vapour away. Beetroot and eddi core came into the pan. Sprinkle sukkert over them

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Mix it all together and taste after blodt with salt and pepper, if desired. also a little Curry to give it the final touch style eventually right in the refrigerator for about half an hour before serving Tips: Served with tomato, cucumber, egg and lemon

Mains A little white wine 1-2 dl (as needed) Pepper Salt ...

Brown beef tenderloin on all sides in a pan. season with salt and pepper. The loin is taken by and put in a smurgt baking dish. Cut the mushrooms into the appropriate size and put them at the roast, add cream. Advantage gorgonzolaen around the roast and on mus

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Cinnamon Sunflower oil or corn oil to freely ring ...

Came the flour in a bowl and make a recess. In this break up the yeast. ½ Cup lukewarm water is stirred together with the yeast and some of the flour in the recess to a mush. Put a cloth over the bowl and place it in a warm place for 30 minutes. Then stir t