Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Lunch Pepper Salt Margerine ...

1. switch on the oven at 200 degrees. 2. Add the flour in a bowl and rub margerinen in and crumble dough until it is grainy. 3. Add the cheese and water and collect the dough quickly with your hands. 4 Scroll dajen flat and round so that it fits the mold (a

Soups Yeast Coconut milk Udkernet chili ...

The soup: cut the chicken breast into small pieces. Dissolve 1 bouillon cube in 4 dl. water. Cook the meat in the broth for about 10 min.-foam Clean the mushrooms and cut into thin slices, add coconut milk and mushroom's chili and cut it into thin slices an

Lunch (to go) Oregano, dried Yeast Green bell pepper ...

The yeast is mixed in lukewarm water and then add the salt, oil and the flour is stirred in, little by little. Roll out dough into small round pizzas (or large) and butter tomato puree out on pizza. Then added cheese, ham, oreganer, corn and green pepper on i

Mains Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Pancakes: stir the flour and milk together. Stir in salt and eggs. Melt margerinen on the forehead and behind the pancakes of dough. They need to bake, so they are bright on both sides. Filling: Chop the onion finely. Sauté the onion in margerinen in a p

Dressing Spices to taste Salt Pepper ...

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and serve with salad, as burger dressing or similar.

Porridge & gruel Salt Whole milk , round grain milled ...

Bring the milk to a boil in a large pot. Add the rice and let it boil at low flame for about one hour, remember and stir regularly. Let the rice stand rolled into a quilt in an hour's time. Server rice porridge with cinnamon sugar and a dollop of rice puddi

Mains Other spices Chili powder Pepper ...

Preheat the oven at 200o C Take a baking dish, put the chickens down with skin up. Mix together oil, salt, pepper, garlic, chili and possibly. other spices together. Brush marinade onto the chicken. Put the chicken in the preheated oven for approximately 40

Mains Lasagne sheets Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 200o Brown the meat in a saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and Brown it. Add tomatoes and tomato paste and water, bouillon cube and oregano and simmer 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Butter a rectangular dish and place alternat