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Recipes with Salt

Mains Peas Chili Fluts ...

The pasta is cooked. Bacon Brown in a pan with the oil, the oil and bacon in the Pan at the same time and must heat up along with the bacon is well browned and when it is well browned onion and peas in the now accepted warmed it all well through and it is seas

Sides Salt Urteblandning Basil oregano dried garlic rose marin Cherry tomatoes ...

the tomatoes cut in half and mix with oil, herbs and salt. placed on a bradpande with baking paper, with the flat side facing you. Bake for about 2 hours at 125-150 degrees. must not be as dry as Sun-dried tomatoes because it is half dried tomatoes. soft and j

Mains Bouillon cube Chopped Sun-dried tomatoes Olive oil ...

Chickpeas soaked 24 hours in plenty of water. Udblødnings the water is poured from the chickpeas and rinse under running water and boil until tender, approximately 1 hour in new plenty of water. EVS. with a little salt or a bouillon cube. After finishing th

Salads Oil Pesto Grated cheese ...

Cook the pasta attended to salt during cooking. Then you put all the ingredients on and touches slightly. so is the finished!!! Tips: Mængten of pesto and oil can even be determined so that it will be just to your liking.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut a deep pocket in all kyllingbrysterne and advantage cheese and cut spring onions into the pockets. Put kyllingbrysterne in a heat-proof platter, which is smeared with olive oil. Make sure that the pockets either turns up ad or are closed with kødnåle. B

Mains Suit Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Pork chest or Battle as it is called in the jargon must be used for drop-down rose. It is the same piece of the pig which is also used for sausage. It is certainly necessary to get the butcher to cut the piece out. Get also cut the rind of right away, then you

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

Brown the meat on both sitting put it in an oven fixed dish. Brown bacon a few minutes then mix the rest in after a few min poured cream on after it has been opppe and boiling pour it all over the meat then into a preheated oven at 200 g for 30 min. Accesso

Mains Currypulver (hot chilli powder) Oil for frying Pepper ...

slice the onion and chile slices, garlic in small cubes, Saute them in a little oil in a pan. Add the minced beef and Brown it thoroughly. got a ½-1 tsp. full currypulver in and then add the chopped tomato from canned and tomato paste. cut the rest of the veg