Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Appetizers A little fresh herbs Pepper Grated lime or lemon should be of 1 ...

Stir the marinade together. Cut the tofu into sticks in suitable size. Mariner tofu strips at least an hour, preferably up to 24 hours in refrigerator. Cut the Aubergine for a maximum period of 1 cm-thick slices lengthwise. Fry them briefly on the grill

Mains Olive oil Salt Water as needed ...

Tørristes on a frying pan, nuts and chopped. The carrots and onion FRY in the oil until it has been Brown. Add the rice and FRY further for a few minutes while stirring. Nuts and beans whipped with a little water. Risblandingen, flour, salt and peanut butter i

Mains Cherry tomatoes in half the bean sprouts Oil Pepper ...

Kofta: White beans are soaked in water overnight. Boxes the water, rinse the beans and boil them until tender in new water about 20 minutes-like spiked soup may. Overhæl bulgur with boiling water and let them soak about 15 minutes to al væden is absorbed.

Sides Turmeric (for color's sake) Oil for the Pan Pepper ...

Mix the dry ingredients. Add the wet (margarine melted). Stir together for it feels like a pandekagedej. If it feels too thick add more soymælk-beware of pouring too much from the start. Hot pan, add oil and make small cakes with the "dough" in size with ap

Appetizers Chili Olive Oregano ...

Eggplant for about 1 cm-thick slices to be brushed with olive oil and turned into a mixture of sesame seeds, oregano, chili, garlic and possibly. Second, as you like. Put on a baking tray with baking paper, upstairs be tomato slices + chopped or halved olive

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Salt Yeast ...

Put fermented in a dejfad and stir yeast and salt together, then add the warm water and hand came in the oil, add the durummelet and stir. Then add the wheat flour. The dough should have a thick consistency grødagtig. Come on plastic film over the dish and put

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Salt ...

Mix all the dry stuff together. Hot butter & syrup in a saucepan with sugar is dissolved. whip æggne. Mix everything together, ruld dough into a sausage and cut into 20 equal pieces. Form the discs to the balls, put them on the plate and bake at 170 degree

Mains Coarse rye bread & mustard Madras Curry Pepper ...

You will need a large pot to this right (9-11 litres) Rinse the cabbage well and cut it into bite-sized pieces, Peel the potatoes and cut them into large cubes. set the water to a boil with the broth the dice and place the cabbage in the pot, add the karryen