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Recipes with Salt

Mains Parsley Salt Thyme ...

Fry the zucchini and scallions in butter, until tender. ½ TSP came. thyme in, along with 1 tablespoon of parsley. Cook the pasta. Pour in the cream and simmer for a while. CA. 15 min. Season with salt. EVS. pepper.

Lunch Eggs Wholemeal wheat flour Grahams ...

Warm the milk and dissolve the yeast in it. Add salt, sugar and eggs, and whole wheat flour, rye flour, whole wheat flour and oatmeal. Crumble the butter in almost all the flour and it came in the second, blend. Knead the dough thoroughly and add the rest of t

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Wholemeal flour ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water. Add the rest of the ingredients, but the team again with wheat flour. The dough should be smooth and supple and, finally, not too dry. Let dough raise in 30 min. and then to form the buns. Brush with egg and let them

Soups Ciabatta buns Pepper Salt ...

Cut lies in cubes. Melt the butter on a low heat (do not brown) and sauté the onions and thyme on a low heat for 10 minutes. Add water so it just covers the bulbs and boullionterningerne came in and let it cook tender. Blend the soup. Water came in to a su

Appetizers Olive oil Salt Sugar ...

Make a dough with so much flour that dough just adheres quite easily to the fingers. Knead the dough thoroughly in 5 min. Tires dough with a damp Tea towel and let it raise to double size. Kneaded again and after draws in 15 min. Roll the dough very thinl

Desserts (warm) Salt Wheat flour Eggs ...

1) Stir flour and milk to a jævning. 2) whisk eggs and salt in. 3) Heat fedstoffet on pan and mix it into the batter. 4) Remove the Pan from the heat and got dough on. CA. 3 eating spoons. 5) behind the pancake over even heat to the dough is stiffe

Sauces Pepper Salt Lemon ...

The butter is melted. Egg yolks whipped with lemon juice over a water bath until it becomes thick and creamy. The butter is whisked in a little at a time. The sauce tasted with salt and pepper. Piskefløden whipped into whipped cream which turned into sau

Snacks White pepper Salt Creme fraise ...

Advokadoerne peeled off and moses with a fork. Stirred together with Crème fraise garlic and salt and white pepper. Tortilla chips lunes in the oven 5 min at 200grader. 5-6 chips serve as a star on a plate. Guacamolen granted in an icing bag and posted a s