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Recipes with Salt

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are cooked tender and moses, and cauliflower and onion chopped. All ingredients are stirred together into a real father. FRY as regular meatballs, but only for 2 minutes on each side. Sauce: Tomatoes passed through a sieve and brought to the bo

Appetizers Pepper Salt Together the beaten egg ...

Peel peeled and cut into 2 cm thick slices. Slices steamed 5 minutes in lightly salted water and allow to cool. Celery, invert the first in egg and then in the sesame seeds. FRY in margarine. Kinaradisse and carrots peeled and cut into 1 x 1 cm cubes. Steame

Soups Medium onion Pepper Salt ...

The onion and battle it out cut into very small cubes, potatoes in papirstynde slices (use kartoffelskrælleren). In a saucepan, melt the butter and onion and sauté pork for about 10 minutes, stirring continuously. The broth is poured in, season with salt and p

Pickling Tawana-mixed spices Atamonpulver Dill screens ...

Saltalagen boil, add Atamon and cooled. Brushed clean and chop the cucumbers at both ends (one can also use alm. cucumbers, cut into 6-7 cm long pieces). The onions are cooked 3 minutes in water, afdryppes and tamper-proof. The cold brine poured over cucumbers

Bread, buns & biscuits Pilsner Salt Sugar ...

Stir the yeast into warm water. Add the beer, salt, sugar and flour. Tube wheat flour in the dough a little at a time, and knead it thoroughly. Came the dough in a large bowl, cover it with a damp Tea towel and set it to uplift a cold place in 3-4 hours. Knead

Lunch Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them on a baking sheet with wax paper. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake them in the oven at 225 degrees for 10 minutes. cut the crust of the bread and cut it to fit into a kokotte or an ovenproof Bowl. Butter dishes

Breakfast & brunch Buttermilk Flour as needed, however not too much Salt ...

Yeast dissolve in sugar and salt. Sour milk lunes easily. It all stirred together and rests approximately 15 min. Divided into 2 equal balls that are rolled out to an oblong square on ca 25x60cm brushed with buttermilk and folded from the sides so the dough

Appetizers Fresh coriander or parsley Oil for frying Pepper ...

Cut the green tomatoes into slices. Dip them first in a mixture of flour, salt, sugar and spices, then in the beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. Put them on a piece of wax paper. Halve the red tomatoes and scrape the seeds out. Cut the tomatoes into small