Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice according to instructions on package. Brown kødstrimlerne in oil and sprinkle with curry powder, salt and pepper. Roast the peppers with a few min. and got it all in a saucepan. Add the other ingredients and let the right småsimre 5-10 min. seaso

Lunch Eggs Salt The Wiener sausage (Bavarian sausage) ...

Melt the margarine and pour the milk in and warm up to the mix is the writer's warm. Stir the yeast in the warm milk mixture and add salt writer's eggs and most of the flour. Knead the dough until it is soft and supple with the necessary flour. Let dejet ra

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Run all the ingredients in a ball, and knead them together. If it is hard to know if they are rightigt spicy, one can take a little dough and cook it in the microwave. Tips: Who kann be used just the spices you like.

Mains A small handful of chopped parsley Kalvefon Mozzarella cheese in brine ...

set the oven at 200 streets (C) Chop vegetables and mix kavlefonen genuine and the kakkede tomatoes together then Mix in beef and leave it for a little while cleans you peberfrugt ener and washes them well so you fill them just with the stuffing and put them

Soups Otherwise it gets a little boring wholemeal bread Peper Salt ...

Peel beets and potatoes cut them into cubes boil beets and potatoes until tender in the broth blend the soup in a food processes pour the soup back into the pot. season with red wine vinegar salt and peper serve with wholemeal bread Tips: Beware of ve

Soups All round spice Very little olive oil Paprika ...

Saute the onions and aubergines in oil. Dissolve the bouillion cube i4 dl water and pour it into the pan. Add the Turkey meat, red and yellow pepper and crushed garlic. make a meljævning with the last dl water and pour it into the then to taste with spices

Lunch Lemon A little dill Peper ...

Stir in creme fraise, salt, peper and curry powder together. Grate and crack grovbollen and butter a little dressing on under the bread roll. Com salad on top and then the salmon. Squeeze a little lemon over and over if necessary. with dill or more dressing.

Mains A small Pack of cocktail sausages Paprika Pepper ...

Start by frying the bacon in the Pan, and place to drain on paper towel. So, in the same pan, fry the first koteletterne (which is seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika), so the sausages and finally mushrooms. Put continuous things in layers in a baking dis