Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Soaked house blast in cold water. Cut the cream of the ham and mix it with Cremefraichen and leeks. Knock the water of the house blast and melt it in a bowl over a water bath. Stir the lemon juice and turn it around in the ham mixture. Whip the cream and tur

Sides Garlic Pepper Salt ...

You mix the tuna with a fork and then stir the rest of the ingredients well together. Step about 5min. Good with some lemon on. Can be served with a good salad and a baked potato with garlic butter to.

Mains Herbes de provence seasoning Olive oil or canola oil Pepper ...

The cheese is crumbled in the roughly chopped nuts. The chicken breasts that are flaked along are filled with nuts - the cheese mixture. Fold the meat together on the filling and the pieces are closed either with a pinch or corded with muzzle. Brush in o

Mains Peper Salt Butter ...

Turn the bacon tern golden, pick them up. Slice chicken fillets into strips / tern and sprinkle them golden in bacon greasy, remove them from the forehead. "Burn" peppers into the grease, add a little butter and flour, stir well. Add to the juice from mushroo

Mains Radish Cucumber Curry ...

Take a bowl and mix the cream fraiche with all the spices. The arrow slices and slices it into smaller pieces and pass it through the parsley shaker. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and mix them. Pour it all gently together. Wash the tomatoes and cut

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes (400 g) ...

Peel the bulbs, chop them and mix them with chopped meat. Whip the eggs together and mix them with the meat. Spice with curry, salt of pepper. Peel the potatoes, tear them on the coarse side of the roast iron and press them dry in a clean cloth. Mix the gr

Mains Brown sauce thickens or corn flour Freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Spice the meat together with spices, the finely chopped onion and the lightly junk juniper and taste with salty pepper. Lay the dad in a small pan and shape it as a "harerygue". Lay the spoon slices over with the bay leaves. Burn it in the oven at 210 degree

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Chopped almonds ...

Put the raisins / sultanas in a rumbled room. Stir the butter softly. Add sugar, eggs, vanilla sugar, salt, qvark and sugary and stir well together. When rosin / sultanines have soaked the rum, turn them into 1-2 tablespoons flour. Wheat flour and baking soda