Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Wheat flour Linseed or similar ...

First of all, I would recommend that you use a large bowl for this recipe. Food processes are not necessary as the dough is really soft! When this is in place, dissolve the yeast in the water. Then add flaxseed and salt and finally put the flour in. The dough

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Kartemomme Salt ...

The milk is lunes. The yeast dissolves therein. The rest of the ingredients are added and the dough is kneaded together into a uniform dough that rests a warm place approx. 15 min. Dough into a sausage and spread into 14 pieces molded into buns. Brush with egg

Lunch Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Plain yeast dough raises for 30 minutes. Split into a5 large or 10 smaller pieces, each rolling out to an elongated small plate. Then put the filling packed into small bread close to the ends. Filled: Brush the beef and chopped onion. Then salt, pepper, to

Lunch Cucumber Curry Pepper ...

Stir the dressing and taste with salt, pepper, curry. Chop the eggs and mix them in. Mix the potatoes with a little chives. tips: If you want low fat, you can replace mayonnaise with light and yarn with yolks. I often do that myself.

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut the fillets into 2-3 cm wide strips and shake them in a bag of flour and salt. Quickly raise the fish in butter on a forehead. Take the fish up. Cut slices of diced and gourmets in cubes wrap it all on the forehead for 4-5 minutes in butter add garlic b

Mains Wheat flour Olive oil Pepper ...

Chop the fish meat through the meat chopper. Stir it with salt and pepper until it is cool and then stir the eggs together with chopped capers and finely chopped mustard. The pores are cleansed and cut obliquely for 1 cm. Thick slices. Both parts are put

Mains Meljævning Carrots Onion ...

Clean the vegetables The loop is cut into the tern. Pour into thin slices. The carrots are roughly torn. Brown onions in fat and put the meat in it and brown it well. Get leek and carrots come in and spin for a few minutes. Add water, salt, pepper and tomato

Sides Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Peel the root vegetables and cut them into equal spells - French fries style - 1 x 1 cm thick and about 5 cm long. Turn them with a little oil of salt and pepper. Wide the roots on a frying pan so that they lay flat in a layer. Bake them at 200 degrees for 30-