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Recipes with Red wine

Mains Pepper from the grinder Balsamic vinegar Fennel ...

Juniper crushed lightly and rubbed in the rind together with coarse salt. Cut root vegetables into smaller pieces and grate them in olive oil together with hazelnuts. Findel in food processor or chop it finely with a knife. Stir the mass with mustard and bread

Mains Salt Tomato puree Onion ...

Cream cheese, mustard and pepper stir together in a bowl. The meat is tapped out for flat patties. Cream cheese be smeared out in an even layer on top of the steaks. Bacon is allocated above. The steaks are rolled together and fastened with a kødnål or toothpi

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Olive oil Olive oil and butter ...

Chop onion, garlic and mushrooms. Came oil on a deep pan and warm it up first saute the onions, then come. mushrooms and garlic on and finally the minced beef. When the beef is browned a little, add the red wine, thyme and oregano, whipping cream, salt and pep

Mains Dådyrriben Oregano Pepper ...

The ribs are added in a marinade for about 2-3 hours before the meat is taken up and placed on the grill.

Mains Salt Black pepper whole Dried tarragon ...

Brown beef thick flank in a pan in a little oil and butter. Pour the fat off. Add the red wine, water, salt and pepper. Let the meat småsimre ica. 2 hours. Flip it regularly. Bring water to a boil in a large pot, add a little salt. Remove the stalk of cabba

Mains Pepper Rosemary Salt ...

Pour 1/2 l buttermilk in a bowl and put the frozen breasts in the bowl. Let the dish stand for 12 hours and then pour the milk from, take the remaining 1/2 l. buttermilk and pour over meat. Let this stand for another 12 hours and then pour this milk out. Rinse

Drinks (warm) Cream Very strong coffee Red wine ...

The hot coffee, sugar and red wine mixed together in a saucepan. The mixture is heated to just before boiling point. Add vodka and everything is warmed through. The drink is served as hot as possible in heat-resistant glass. You may want to add a little cre

Drinks (cold) Wine alcohol per litres of liqueur Red wine Black currant ...

Black currant pure Aida easily and stands in a cool place in 48 hours. Then pour 1 litre of red wine of the mass, which then stands for another 24 hours. The mixture is brought to simmer point, absolutely must not boil, allow to cool, are blended and fil