Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red wine

Mains Pepper Chives Salt ...

Black currant sauce: Fry the onions in medium heat until they are Brown, and add the port wine and red wine-Let Cook for 5 minutes. Add the Blackcurrant Jam and 1 litre of stock or broth and let it cook down to 1/3. Baked root vegetables: cut root vegetable

Mains Balsamic vinegar Olive oil Sugar ...

In short, Brown the steaks on all sides on a grill pan. Season it with salt and pepper. Fade the heat. FRY steak State or Government further 12-15 minutes total, depending on how red meat is desired. Flip it once during cooking. Let steaks rest covered with

Mains Glass noodles Balsamic vinegar Smoked cheese ...

FRY steaks approximately 2 minutes on each side. Wrap them in foil and let them rest for 10 minutes. Cook Balsamic and red wine into. Add sugar so that the sauce caramel. The sauce must not be too tykflydende, but should be steady. Fry the mushrooms in butt

Mains Freshly ground pepper Corn flour Salt ...

Ox de-fat and cleaned for the tendons and cut into 4 pieces, which plumped. Boil the potatoes and arrow. They swept chanterelles Sauté in 25 g. liquid or butter, where Becel red wine is added. Let it cook down a bit, add the oksebouillonen and let it boil well

Mains Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

Start with the sauce, but brush only the loin with oil and wine and pepper. Have you in any possible way access to kulgrille, you must turn on the coals. For the sauce peeled and chopped onions, and cooked in red wine until it is cooked into the half. So ar

Mains Marinade Oil Peppercorn ...

The meat is fine-tuned for membranes and tendons, a piece that the thin Apex is cut off, and the thick end of the loin is just so thick all the way through, the 2 afskærringer can gemmmes to other purposes or they can be fried in a shorter time. Stir the ma

Mains Balsamic vinegar Sea salt White pepper ...

200 grams tenderloin cut into pieces. Filling: saute the onion, garlic, østerhatte, salt and pepper in a saucepan. Add the red wine, balsamic vinegar and thyme. Boil down to almost all the liquid is gone. Then blend to puree. When mushroom puree is cold

Mains Fresh Rosemary Garlic powder Kitchen salt ...

Rub the tenderloin with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Fry the bacon in a pan that is just large enough for the tenderloin. With a slotted spoon, transfer the bacon to a plate, but let the frying fat stay in the pan. Brown