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Recipes with Red wine

Mains Margarine Fennel Cherry tomatoes ...

Bank the sword (and ONLY the sword) with a meat hammer. Brown pork on a pan in quite a little margarine. Remove the meat when it is browned. Add more margarine and pour the sliced ​​mushrooms on the forehead. When they start to take a little color, add red win

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Stir the meat with salt. Chop the garlic and stir it in the meat with rasp, egg and pepper. Let it rest. Sprinkle mushrooms into quarters and put them on a pan without fat until they are dark and have tendered. While mushroom steaks, tomato sauce is prepared.

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

The meat is baked in a pan in the margarine and sprinkle with salt and pepper and put in a soaked stegeso. The onions are cut into quarters, carrots peeled and divided into spelled, put into a small frying pan. Put the pan in a hot oven and pour water. The

Mains Bucatini (a pasta variety there is something thicker than spaghetti, where the sauce sticks to the pasta easier) Grated parmesan Finely chopped red onion ...

1. Warm olive oil a saucepan 2. Season the red onions and bacon over low heat until golden. 3. Add rosemary, garlic and chilli and let it spin slowly. 4. Add red wine and bring to a boil. Let the boil boil (it may be a little bit left). 5. When the boil is

Mains Swine intestinal Salt Crushed black pepper ...

The meat is chopped on meat hooks with a very large hollow disc. Stir with crushed garlic, chopped herbs, potato flour stirred in red wine, salt and pepper. Stopped in pork tenderloin for small thick sausages. Step on the forehead, as it is raw sausag

Mains Nelike Duck fat Apelsin ...

Cut red cabbage and then melt 50 grams of butter. Where you brush the red cabbage Then you will get water, beer, wine, nelk, cinnamon, cinnamon, apples, and orange. Boil for one hour at low heat. Finish with duckweed and season with salt. tips: Merry Chr

Drinks (warm) Juice of ½ lemon The peel of ½ lemon (grated) Red wine ...

Sugar and water are mixed and poured over the flask when the sugar is dissolved, the cinnamon sticks, carnations, lemon juice and the tornado are dissolved. The whole is boiled for approx. 10 min. And then allowed to cool for approx. 2 hours. The whole is

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

BEFORE YOU START: Notice the long cooking time: 2-2½ hours. Cut onion, bacon, celery and carrots very nicely into the tern and mix it all with the meat in a large saucepan. Put the mixture in oil into the pan until the meat turns brown. Then add the wine an