Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red wine

Mains Olive oil Red wine Fresh thyme ...

Make a spice bouquet of laurel, thyme, parsley and orange peel. Place the spice bouquet, the meat and the wine in a bowl, and place it in the refrigerator overnight. Brown onions and carrot in a little olive oil in a frying pan, add bacon and brown for a f

Mains Fresh herbs from the garden Pinch chili (dried or fresh) Pinch sugar ...

Chop onions, garlic, chili and bacon and then chop them in the oil on the forehead (in the same order). When the ingredients are golden brown add the red wine and cook / cook further for 1-2 minutes. Add the tomato sauce, add a little sugar and add salt and

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Cut turkey meat in big tern and turkey bacon into strips. Stir the bacon strips in a saucepan and add finely sliced ​​onions. Put the chunky chicken in the pan when the onions are slightly browned. Brown the meat and season with salt and pepper. Add mushro

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basil, chopped ...

Cook bacon golden with good heat. Turn down the heat and add onions and turn the slice to the slant is transparent, not brown. Add carrots and cook another 2 min. Add chopped beef and stir until it has split and changed color. Add parsley, basil, lemon peel, b

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Freshly ground pepper Lasagne sheets ...

The onions are chopped and the carrots are peeled and torn. The bacon is chopped fine. Chopped the chopped meat with a little oil together with onions, carrots and crushed garlic and add the red wine. Add the bouillon and tomato paste and cook the sauce a litt

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

1.Grydestegt: Brown 1½kg large neck fillet in a frying pan in a little oil. Beat 1 onion in half slices, 2 bay leaves, ½ bottle of red wine, 1 tray of mushroom, salt and pepper. Let simmer 1-1½ hours under low and cook the sauce or evenly. Serve with hasselbac

Mains Spice as you like Oil Pepper ...

Lay the lamb on a pan and season with salt and pepper. Pour one and a half liters of broth on. Chop onions and garlic and sprinkle them over low heat on a pan with a little salt and pepper. The garlics do not tolerate too much heat, they get bitter. Bring r

Mains Leaf celery Pepper coarse Salt ...

Stir a red wine making of red wine make the cloves, put the meat in and leave it for a day and pull. The day after, all the cries are taken away, aiming for the rest to make sure there is nothing left of crying. Grate onions and celery in the oil, add the me