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Recipes with Eggs

Cakes in form Zest and juice of which Boiling water Eggs ...

The margarine stir white with sugar. An egg whipped in at a time. Flour and baking soda are mixed slowly in a little lemon juice be kept back. for the glaze, and the rest of the lemon and the boiling water is stirred into the pie. Bake at 180 degrees for ½ hou

Cakes in form Ground allspice Ground cinnamon Ground nutmeg ...

Butter a springform on approximately 23 cm in diameter, and put wax paper in the bottom of the form. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Whisk the 2 eggs and egg white together with the oil in a second Bowl. Slice the pineapple coarsely, and grate

Salads Pepper Salt Mayonnaise ...

The eggs are cooked for hard-boiled eggs. Sour cream and mayonnaise stirred together. Curry added. The onion chopped and added to the dressing and stir. Season with salt and pepper. Eggs cut into small cubes and added. Made on ice. Tips: Really good

Cakes in form Eggs Vanilla sugar Sugar ...

Mix all the muck, but pour melen in eventually. In the oven: 200 degrees c. alm. oven in 15-20 minutes. Tips: Grovhak the chocolate so that they can be tasted in your muffins.

Appetizers Eggs Milk Salt ...

Boil the eggs You use will make a opbagning of butter, flour and salt and mustard came in whole milk You can decorate with parsley

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Wheat flour ...

Melted margarine and oats grynen mix. Let it soak for 10 minutes. Mix the rest in. Good distance on the plate between the cakes. Bake 8-10 minutes at 200 degrees c. Tips: I put pasties on with a teaspoon. appropriate size

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Eggs Yeast ...

yeast, sugar and salt stirred together. milk and margarine be put in the eggs in.. the flour in a little after URlidt.til the dough is smooth. raised in ½ hour. Bake at 200 * for about 10 min. Tips: There will be approximately 38 paragraph

Cakes Cocoa liqueur Corn flour Eggs ...

Bottoms: chop the hazel nuts coarsely and grate them in a frying pan, and refrigerate. Be careful not to be burned. Blend the almonds into flour. Beat the whites until stiff and carefully turn nuts and powdered sugar in it. Butter mixture out onto greased b