Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Eggs

Lunch Tomato ketchup Eggs Margarine ...

The margarine is melted in the milk for low heat. The yeast is chopped into the melted margarine, the maximum must be 25 degrees. Eggs and sugar are added. The flour comes in a little while and the dough is kneaded well and set for 30 minutes. After r

Lunch Eggs Tomato ketchup Salt ...

The yeast is stirred in the lukewarm milk or water. Then add salt and sugar and melted margarine. Finally the flour. The dough is well kneaded. The dough is divided into 4 equal lumps (about 250 g. Per lump) divided into 8 parts, rolled out and the sausage

Lunch Brushing Milk Eggs ...

Mix flour, baking soda and salt. Pour the butter into pieces into the flour with a knife. Finally, crumble with your fingers to make it almost like grated cheese. Mix the milk and knead the dough easily and quickly. Rolled out on a message-typed table. Split i

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Sugar DAIM ...

Whites whip stiff. The flowers are whipped white with sugar. The cream is whipped to foam. Daim is cut into small pieces. The egg napkin, whipped cream and daim are turned together. Finally, the pins turned whistled in.

Desserts (warm) A little salt Lemon, the juice of which Fresh strawberries ...

The dough is whipped lightly together and behind thin pancakes. Stir the ingredients to the lemon butter together. The pancakes are rolled together and put in a refractory dish. Spread lemon butter and gratinate them in oven 5 min. At 275 degrees G

Desserts (cold) Garnish with chocolate kaffebønner Chocolate waffles Sugar ...

Whip egg and sugar airy and mix with whipped cream, add liqueur and coffee. Dress a small bread roll with waffles and pour the cream in. Put the cocktail berries in and let the ice freeze overnight. Decorated in layered pieces of chocolate beans.

Sides Pepper Parsley, fresh Nutmeg, freshly grated ...

The potatoes are scrubbed well and put in a dish. The dish is placed on a grid in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees C. Alm. Oven for one hour. The dish is taken out of the oven and the potatoes are cooled until they are touching. Cut the top of the pota

Mains Lemon juice Finhakket onions Potatoes ...

Wash the potatoes thoroughly and divide them along. Cut approx. 4 potato boats of each half potato. Put the potatoes in a large refractory dish. Mix oil and lemon juice and brush the top potato boats. Sprinkle salt over the potatoes. Stir all the ingredi