Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Sauces A little soy sauce Maizenamel Pepper ...

Lobster shells Brown lightly in the alm oven and pour in a pan. Cold water is added and cooked up. All the herbs are washed, cleaned and cut into coarse pieces and place in a roasting pan. Tomato purée and red wine is added and baked in the oven, under a fe

Appetizers White pepper Salt Celery ...

Jomfruhummerbisque: Norway lobster be rearranged: the tail is broken by shell, tamper-proof of the flesh, which is saved. A total of 4 claws broken off and saved for garnish. The rest of the shells, heads and claws are saved to fund. Lobster shells Sauté in oi

Mains Green chilies, diced Fresh Sage leaves into strips Vegetables into small cubes – e.g. celery peppers or mushrooms ...

Turn the oven on 200 °. Prick the eggplants with a kødnål and put them in a heat-proof platter. Behind them ca. 1/2 time. Cut the rodenden of eggplants and hollow-out them gently with a spoon. They are tough, they bake a little longer. Click the fill wel

Sides Black peppercorns Chopped onion Marjoram ...

Whisk marinade and let the meat pull in ca. 24 hours in the refrigerator. Use the marinade with a little water to the sauce, if necessary. crème fraiche. Season with salt and pepper. Very suitable for leg of lamb.

Sides Red wine Fresh sprig of thyme Garlic ...

Chop the onion and garlic finely. Hugs Laurel leaves and stir the marinade along with the remaining ingredients. Let the six birds pull cold for 24 hours. SI marinade and add the the fried bird and let it all bugs in approx. 40 minutes. Take the birds up an

Sides Bay leaves Black peppercorns Carrots in coarse pieces ...

Mix and marinade the meat be marinated for about 24 hours. Stir once in a while.

Mains EVS. suit Corn flour to jævning if you want a thicker sauce Pepper ...

The marinade mix and pour over meat (marinade should cover meat) covered for and made in a refrigerator in 1-2 24 hours a day. The meat is taken up by the bed sheet and blot dry. The marinade is filtered. The oil/butter, warmed in a pan and Brown the meat o

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley (finely chopped) ...

The vegetables are washed and cooked with veal in a pan mixed with nellikker, Bay leaves, wine and as much water to cover the meat. Cook for about 2 hours and then take the meat out for cooling. Tuna sauce is prepared by mixing all the ingredients specified