Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Salt Large onion White wine vinegar ...

Peel and slice the onion into slices. Crush the peppercorns and Bay leaves. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Put the meat in a deep dish and pour marinade over. Let stand in refrigerator for 5 hours. Turn the meat regularly. Put the meat on the plate gril

Sides Chili Pepper Salt ...

Tomatoes blanched and skinned by the skin. Onion cut into coarse cubes and sauté in oil until tender, without taking colour. Vinegar is added and it boils into a quarter. Tomatoes into coarse cubes granted together with peeled apples cut into cubes. Boil to

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Marinating (day before): Ox bow must be marinated, then find a suitable dish is not too great and put the meat in it. Clean the onions and leek and cut them into small pieces. Put them over the meat with garlic, Bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper and pour t

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

Trim if necessary. membranes and tendons from the flesh. Dry it off with paper towel and cut it in not too small cubes (4 x 4 cm). Sprinkle the meat with flour and mix it with salt and pepper. Cut the smoked bacon into small cubes. Fry the bacon dice in its

Sauces Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

Sauté onions and carrots in the butter and oil in about 10 mins without Brown. Tomatoes with moisture added with salt, pepper, Bay leaves and thyme and småkoger for about 20 mins, after which stegesky and tomato puree added, taste, if desired. with a little

Pickling Cinnamon Carnations Vinegar ...

Black currant clean poured into the boiling water and invert gently around, so they all will be heat affected. Vinegar, sugar and spices added and evaporate boil at very low heat 10 min. the berries are picked up and placed in clean glass. The juice boiled 5 m

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Salt Curry ...

Calves chest came in a large pan, pour the water on so it covers. Bring the water to a boil. Foams away impurities with a slotted spoon, add salt and cream again. Add the peppercorns and Bay leaves. Arrow the onion, cut it in quarters and also it came into

Lunch (to go) Bay leaves Oil Pepper ...

Wash the vegetables and cut them into coarse pieces. Got them in a pan with about 3 l. water. Add the seasoning and bring to the boil. When the water boils, add the meat. Let it simmer for about an hour and 40 minutes. The pot is taken by the heat and cool