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Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Oil ...

The yeast is crumbled in a bowl, sugar is added. When the yeast and the sugar are dissolved in liquid mass. Salt, oil and milk are stirred in. Flour is added and kneaded until the dough is soft and slightly glueed. Set to raise for 10-15 minutes. Eel (i

Mains Margarine White cabbage , round grain milled ...

Cut the cabbage roughly. Bring some margarine in a large saucepan and fire the curry here. Now put the sliced ​​cabbage and pork tenderloin in the pot. Salt is added and the water is poured in. The dish must now simmer for 30 minutes. Turn into cabbage / meat

Lunch Pepper Salt Large onion ...

The cut is cut in tern and brown. The liver post is browned and the potatoes are cut into the tern and turned in. Seasoned and served as a breakfast dish.

Desserts (patisserie) Cocoa Sugar Light chocolate ...

Put them light chocolate in a metal bowl and melt it slowly over the water bath. Cooling room temperature Peanut butter, sugar, salt blend in a food procession for 3 minutes, add the chocolate and blend until it is mixed thoroughly, add the soft butter and b

Sides Pepper 1/4 juice of lemon Salt ...

Mix the cabbage and carrots in a large bowl. Mix all other ingredients together in another bowl. Taste with acacia honey and salt. Pour the dressing over the vegetables and turn it around.

Lunch Pepper Salt Encountered mild chili ...

Licked pills and torn well. The peppers are cut into small terns. The sheet celery is cut into thin slices. The herring fillets are cut into small pieces. Garlic peel and squeezed. Greek yogurt stir together with garlic. Chili and tomato ketchup. Onions,

Appetizers Fresh korianderblde for garnish Lime both as an accessory Pepper ...

1. Warm the grill well up, Salsa the oranges and cut them into fillets in a bowl to collect the juice, add orange fillets, apples, chili, onion, koiander and mint in a food processor and blend it smoothly. Put the salsa on a serving bowl and season with salt

Mains Grated nutmeg Salt Thyme ...

Cut squash into long strips to remind them of pasta. Cut or cut the bacon into smaller pieces and raise them. Mix milk and flour and cook in a pan. Add the nutmeg and thyme. Add cheese. Season with salt. Pour the sauce over the squash and bacon into a bo