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Recipes with Salt

Soups Cognac Pepper Salt ...

Peel the onions and cut them into thin slices. Slowly chop them in plenty of butter until brown and caramelized. It takes time, turn them along and make sure they do not burn. Cut the slices into slices and dry them in the oven at 180 degrees until they are

Mains Meat and/or vegetables of your choice Milk Salt ...

DEJ: Crumble the margerine into flour and salt. Add the water and collect the dough quickly to a sphere. Put the dough in the refrigerator until it is used. (It can last up to two days in the refrigerator. Roll out the dough with a cake roll and place it in

Appetizers Salmon ROE Pepper Pesto ...

The salmon is blended with a little salt, then add the egg and finally the cream and a little pepper. Pour into small lubricated molds and bake in a water bath with staniol over about 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Allow the mousse to cool. If the surface is une

Sauces Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Mix it all together and chop the chili into small pieces. Season with salt and pepper. BON APPETITE.

Soups Dill Pepper Salt ...

Onion finely chopped and chopped in good oil together with 2 tsp. Fragrant oriental curry in a saucepan. Then add chopped tomatoes, dill, 2 liters fish broth and 1.5 dl rice with short cooking time (loose rice). The glory boils approx. 10-15 min and cut 400

Cakes Salt Vanilliesukker Wheat flour ...

All entrances on the cornflakes are served in a bowl and mix well. Then chop the cornflakes into smaller pieces, after which they finally add when the waffle pie is to be baked.

Mains Oil Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

1. Lubricate the mold with oil and sprinkle if necessary. With rasp 2. Give the broccoli a boil. Then let it drip off. 3. Mix rice and meat and place it at the bottom of the mold. 4. Place the broccoli bouquets upside down. 5. Whip egg, cream, salt and pep

Bread, buns & biscuits Both Greek yoghurt and yoghurt may be replaced by other milk product. millet flakes can be replaced with oatmeal, for example, Eggs Salt ...

Yeast dissolve in the lukewarm water All other ingredients come in and the dough is well kneaded (it is recommended to use a stirrer) Let the dough rise for 30-60 minutes and form the balls with two tablespoons dipped in water, leaving the dough free. The do