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Recipes with Red bell pepper

Mains Eggs Fat for frying Flour ...

The meat is shaped into 2 steaks and is spread in flour, egg and rasp. Stir the meat on the forehead for approx. 8-10 on each side at low heat. The tomatoes are quenched and the peppers are cut into smaller pieces. First add the onions golden and then tomato a

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Green bell pepper Onion ...

Veal the veal with eggs, finely chopped onion, rasp, salt and pepper. The milk is added gradually. The fathers are put in a refrigerator for 15 minutes. The peppers are cut into small tern and stirred in the farmer. The fathers are formed into 8 small fried br

Bread, buns & biscuits EVS. eggs and sesame seeds Cucumber Baking soda ...

Get the kids to measure flour and oatmeal and mix it with baking soda. Then they shall knead soft butter in the dough. Let them peel the carrot and tear it fine. They must mix the cracked carrot with milk until the dough is soft. With some flour on the tabl

Soups Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Chicken breast boiled in the water for approx. 30 minutes. Looks up, possibly. Remove the skin and legs, cut into smaller pieces (tern), the soup sifted. Onions and peppers are cut into the tern, the pears in the rings. Tomatoes are chopped fine. The vegeta

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Global cuisine wild rice Sea salt ...

The skin is removed from the gingerbread and they are cooked on the pan until they are browned on both sides, sprinkled with salt and pepper. Press the orange juice over the meat - and increase 10 min. on every side. Sprinkle if necessary. Make up with a li

Lunch Pepper Salt Tuna in water. canning ...

The tuna is poured into a sieve and drained. The tuna is poured into a bowl and the sour milk product is added. The peppers are cut into small cubes and placed in the bowl with the corn kernels. The china peel is rinsed and cut very fine. Add the china pot and

Mains Jævning Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

The fish fillet is laid in an ovenproof dish. Celery and carrots are roughly torn and the cuts are cut into thin slices. The vegetables are spun in the margarine. White wine or fish broth is poured and the vegetables cook for approx. 5 minutes. The cream i

Mains Pepper Salt Light, unsweetened mustard ...

Chop the chopped onion well and chop the cleaned pepper in small cubes. Season the vegetables in 1 tablespoon. Butter with curry and sprinkle some peppers, salt and pepper on. Stir mustard with whipped cream and tomato paste, stir in the vegetables and boil it